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"Jim Crow" came for his dogs & others that were about the vessel belonging to Innuits - over there -  & also for shot & caps for the use of his dog [[strikethrough]]Point[[/strikethrough]] "Pom-e-walk" while on my sledge trip up the Bay of F. - I gave "Jim Crow" Box 250 caps & about 3 lb. shot - also to his wife papers of needles - gave to Johnny Bull paper of needles for his wife Kok-en-zhun who is daughter of Kud-lar-yo the Innuit that died on board on the passage from [[strikethrough]] home [[/strikethrough]] the States.
At VIII AM "Jim Crow" & his wife returned - At same time Koo-jes-se started back for Oo-pung-ne-wing with sled & team of dogs. I sent by him a note to Capt. B.  In this note I wrote as friendly - cheering - [[underlined]] cheering [[/underlined]] words as I thought the occasion demanded - told him that he was to be congratulated for his having accomplished the wonderful work he had in wintering his men under so unfavorable [[strikethrough]] conditions and [[/strikethrough]] circumstances as surrounded the "George Henry" & the souls belonging to him - without the loss of a single man - that if he could succeed in taking the G.H. & his men home [[?softerly]] he would accomplish enough to make any mand distinguished.  I added to Bless High Heaven we live & have our breath & that the prospect is fair that we shall soon be among our dear friends at Home who have probably given up all hopes of ever seeing us again.
At hIX-m30 AM "Johnny Bull" departed ^[[down the Bay00 finding there was poor prospect of his get any more [[strikethrough]] huge [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] feeding [[/underlined]] on board this Craft!
At h1-m30 PM Ebierbing arrived with his dog team & a large piece Walrus sent up by Capt.  I doubt not Capt. B. sent up much more that what was brought to the ship.  Kood-loo & Ebierbing probably helped themselves to the larger share sent.  This my opinion based on the statement of Capt B's letter that he would send as much as the sled could carry.  I start early to-morrow for "Countess of Warwick's Sound.  I regret that Ebierbing's eyes are quite painful to him from snow blindness.  I intend to be gone one week over there - may prolong my stay to two.
This Morning I made careful examination of the quantity of Coal on hand in the ship's fore hold - was surprised to find so little.  I called the Steward's attention to the matter & advised that he should dispense with having a fire kindled three times a day - that he should make but one fire either morning Noon or evening & then cook enough for one day's eating 2 meals cold.  He cheerfully acquiesced  in my plan  I have occasionally been over the ship's side picking up chips & Coal that [[strikethrough]] have been [[/strikethrough]] had been cast out among the refuse stuff from the decks.  Quite an acquisition to our fuel by this operation.
Ebierbing says Capt. B. likes the Coffee I sent him 1st rate.  It will be recollected that this Coffee was of [[strikethrough]] Bromnd [[/strikethrough]] "Borden [[strikethrough]] meat [[/strikethrough]] pulverized meat Biscuit", [[underlined]] browned [[/underlined]] not [[underlined]] burnt [[/underlined]].
A change of plan.  Budington Bay my next point of exploration.  Short time after E-bier-bing's arrival he communicated to me that Capt. B. was anxious I should next proceede to the Bay above this - the Bay that we 1st entered on crossing Davis Straits from Greenland in 1860 - in accordance to
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the suggestion & in view that I [[strikethrough]] had [[/strikethrough]] shall have [[?]] difficulty by exploring on a sledge trip than Boat voyage, I have adopted the course indicated.
This PM have been busy getting my provision Box filled & everything in order for a start to-morrow morning.  My course first will be down the Bay along the coast on E. or N.E. side to the Cape at the entranace - Thence I expect to make a stop for the object of having an interview with the old Innuit woman, Oo-ki-jox-y-ni-noo.
My provision consists 6 1/2 lbs Borden Meat Biscuit, 19 1/2 lbs Pemican, 2 lbs Boiled Pork, 1 lb Coffee(?) (Borden's Meat Biscuit Browned] 1 1/2 lbs. bread (sea-bread), 7 1/2 lbs Flour (3 lbs of wh. I ^[[ had saved & ]] brought back on my sled trip up Bay of Frobisher - & 2/3s of 12 saddle of fine Venison.  I may be gone 2 weeks - perhaps only one - the time depending upon weather & travelling.  I can only hope that my "Dead Reckoning" will be as good as on my Frobisher Bay sledge journey.  No ordinary Astronomical observations for Lat, & Time (Long) [[strikethrough]] can [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ever exceeded in correctness & uniformity the Lats. & Longs determined by my "Dead Reckoning" on that trip.  No pen or pencil has touched the original entries to alter courses, time & the like there entered.  With the greatest care I shall preserve the original entries of that Frobisher Bay sledge trip.  The "Dead Reckoning" I believe to be unparallelled in an excursion of like character to that.
I have just 29 2/3 "hands" or "plugs" tobacco left! - This will go but a little way in helping me through my 2 month's work here N.  Capt. B's letter as copied in to-day's journal explains how the Tobacco fever is raging down at the [[strikethrough]] Walrus [[/strikethrough]] Whaling ground.
This eve handed to Steward Box (250) caps saying to him if any Venison [[strikethrough]] came [[/strikethrough]] was brought here, or Ook-gook meat by the Innuits, he was at liberty to use economically of the caps & also of some shot to who I called his attention. - Told him if he & Fluker got entirely out of meat that in this case of necessity  he & F. could use of the saddle venison I leave here & of the Borden Meat Biscuit I  have [[?remaining]].  According to my plan of economy in fuel had enough cooked at Noon for [[strikethrough]] night [[/strikethrough]] dinner & supper - The Steward was left to look out sharp for the ship's intrest.  [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] He needs one ^[[to over]] look [[strikethrough]] fo [[/strikethrough]] him.
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