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[[vertical note in left and left top margins]]
Wrote a letter to Capt B. & sent by Koo-Jes-se - I had a duplicate order written by Steward to Capt B. to rtetain my rifle till other orders -  This caution taken that in case K. retains my letter, the one sent by Steward, he (K) will fail if he attempts to get possession of rifle by way trick of his. [[/vertical note in left and left top margins]]
[[weather conditions upper right corner]]
+30° AM S.E. ^[[light]] [[underlined]] Fair [[/underlined]]  At VII thick ^[[fog]]
+42° M  S E     "        
+31 PM Calm   Fair
[[/weather conditions]]
Monday, June 2d 1862
Koo-jes-se this Morning informed me that he was on his way to og-bier-see-o-ping - came by way of the vessel to get some of his effects that were aboard here.  I asked him if he had brought my canvass [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] tent along?  He said that Sharkey had taken it to Og-bier-seer-o-ping with him.  I enquired why Sharkey done that?  K. replied that Sharkey had no tupik (tent) & that he (S.) wanted it.  This is annoying work indeed.  I was relying upon having my tent for my own use
on the several trips I have yet to make.  This is the work of Koo-jes-se for Sharkey would not have  taken away my tent in that way without my leave had it not been for the advice of K. my tent was withheld from me when I wanted it on my contemplated trip to "Grinnell Inlet" after the purpose was made to go there leaving Sharkey & Koo-jes-se with their wives at place 10th Enc.  I shall not forget the refusal of K. in [[strikethrough]] giving [[/strikethrough]] allowing me my own property.
At VIII-30 P.M. Koo-jes-se & his noolooana wife started off with dogs sledge & effects for [[strikethrough]] Oo-pung-ne-wing [[/strikethrough]] Og-bier-see-o-ping.  Before K. started I [[?spirit]] him off in Caps powder &c for accompanying me on my late sledge trip - or rather I gave him the various articles I did, for nothing an equivalent did he render me in service.  On certain conditions while on that trip, I offered to give him my rifle, such were the peculiar & extraordinary cricustances in wh. his conduct placed me.  In a straight forward manner this PM, after calling him into the little Aft Cabin, I told him that he was not entitled to have it - that he had not fulfilled his engagement when I made the offer.  He seemed to feel that he could not claim it on any ground of [[?censure]].  I told him finally what I allow him - giving him the articles enumerated or recorded below.  He [[underlined]] apparently [[/underlined]] felt satisfied
Articles given to Koo-jes-se
[[indentation, three columns]]
[[column one]]
2 Boxes of Coxe's Per. Caps (500)
1 small knife [[wavy line]]
To his wife 1 needle cushion
5 papers needles
five strings of Beads
[[wavy line]]
[[/column one]]
[[column two]]
3 Kegs of powder
2 hands tobacco
1 Red Woollen shirt
[[/column two]]
[[column three]]
The dogs
I bought of
Koo-kin up Bay of Frobisher
[[wavy line]]
[[/column three]]
[[/indentation, three columns]]
Koo-jes-se leaves his tupik ^[[ & poles ]] with me & is to take mine in its place & use it till a convenient time of exchange.  Mine as stated above, Sharkey has at Og-bier-seer-o-ping.  Since Koo-jes-se left in taking a look at his tupik canvass tent I see that a good share of mine is attached to his ^[[it]] [[strikethrough]] mine [[/strikethrough]] having [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] cut in two & sewed onto his.  The material of my tupik of excellent, thick, strong canvass & nearly new - the same now ruined by his tormenting hand & spirit.   Well I am free of his presence now & long may this freedom continue.
Stewards full disc "Hard-tack" & Fluker's 1/2 at dinner - my handful of "crumbs" of defective stuff! - [[underlined]] Better close this!  The best I can do still ^[[remembered]].
[[end page
[[start page]]
Tuesday, June 3d 1862
35° AM Calm Thick clouds
40° M S. Light "     "
31° PM S.  "   "     "
E-bier-bing I expected to arrive this Morning to accompany me to Oo-pung-ne-wing - now IX PM & yet has not made his appearance.
More Relics of ^[[Frobisher of]] 1578!  One a musket Ball!!
At hVIII AM Ook-soo with team of 6 dogs & small sled arrived from Oo-pung-ne-wing on matter from Twer-puk-ju-a where the natives are.  His main object in coming to get a lot of dogs. that followed Koo-jes-se's team when he came over.  I was highly delighted when Ook-sin stepped on the deck pulling from his pocket two relics sent me by old An-na-wa's noo-loo-loo-an-a (Nood-loo-yung) - a piece of brick ^[[ [[underlined]] rather tile [[/underlined]](Hall)]] about 2 inches long, 1 inch thick, & 1 1/2 inches wide, - & a Ball of lead (Bullet) both of which were found on Kod-lu-narn Island, many years ago - [[underlined]] before guns were used by the nations [[/underlined]]!  This fragment of brick has evidently been in use a great while or perhaps I [[strikethrough]] may should [[/strikethrough]] better say, been possessed by some of the nations a great while & used occasionally for brightening the brass ornaments worn upon the heads of the lady Innuits.  All but one edge of this piece of brick freely enveloped in such soil (grease & dust) as would naturally accumulate while in an Innuit's possession for a great length of time.  The edge excepted shows freshness of the brick.  This edge the one where fine particles are scraped or filed off wh. particles are [[strikethrough]] match [[/strikethrough]] are first reduced to powder & then used for polishing the Koo-oon (Head ornament).
The Ball possess the appearance of having been carefully  preserved ^[[since]] [[strikethrough]] as when [[/strikethrough]] first found.  It has several small indentations over its [[strikethrough]] sif [[ strikethrough]] surface, - ^[[The whole of it]] is covered with a white coat probably oxide of lead wh [[strikethrough]] had [[/strikethrough]] its great age & exposure (while in or on the ground [[strikethrough]] has been the cause [[strikethrough]]/ ^[[have]] caused.  Its size 11/20 of an inch in diameter.  Ook-sin says the Ball was found on Kod-lu-narn before Innuits knew any thing of Kok-ee-utes (guns)- ^[[at a time]] When they (the Innuits) used bows & arrows altogether.
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
On many pages as this one, there is a periodic weather report by the date that I think of as kind of a mariner's weather log. The format is: time of day, temperature, wind direction, weather conditions, sky conditions.