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[[boxed date]]
May 27
Tues[[/boxed date]]
Capt. B. has had 1/2 can of 45 lbs) [[strikethrough]]?[[?strikethough]] of my pemican saved for my exclusive use - also some of Borden's pulverized Meat biscuit.  ^[[These to carry out my exploration work to be yet done.]]  The Steward tells me by Capt B.'s orders he has saved me bread (Sen. Cakes) the number of cakes there are in the Month of May, to wit 31, equivalent to 7 3/4 lobs.
Now engaged  working up my "Dead Reconing" from May 8th
Wednesday May 28 1862
+30 AM Calm  Thick fogy weather
+40 M   "      "     "     "
+26° P.M. S. Light  Thick Clouds At 1-30 PM  Stormy & ^[[Innuit]] Shev-ek-koo ^[[from Oo-pung-ne-wing]] drove up along side with team 10 dogs.  the report that ice is breaking up well into "Countess of Warwick Sound."  Say that wind has been blowing quite strong over there for the last few days.  Shev-e-koo lost the greater part of his Ook-Gook that he shot a few days since by ice breaking up & drifting away.  Ebierbing is expected here t-morrow preparatory to going down to Og-bier-seer-o-ping to Carry a few things wanted by Capt B.
I may accompany him - & on return get him to go with me to Oo-pung-ne-wing for the object of surveying the Island &c [[strikethrough]] around [[/strikethrough]] in "Countess of Warwick's Sound" - [[?then ?return by]] same conveyance.  It is well I came down Bay of Frobisher when I did for Shev-ok-koo says that Ice is all broken up above Oo-pung-ne-wing.
Sharkey & Koo-jes-se will have to come down in the Boat of Miner's wh. has been taken up where they are to bring down some of the natives there.
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Thursday May 29th 1862
+26 AM S.E. Light - Thick, cloudy weather spitting snow
+42 M S.E.    "      "       "       "       "      "
+23 P.M. Calm Fair white clouds down on high land W
This the anniversary of the departure of the "George Henry" from the States (two years ago to-day).  Would it not be well for me to ask myself a question or two?  Am I satisfied with the results of my coming North?  I believe there is a Great [[?realm]] of events.  Though I longed to depart for the field of my mission on walking this Bay in 1860, yet I believe the circumstances wh. presented it were [[underlined]] all for the best [[/underlined]].  My time hath not, I believe, been lost or misspent.  I have been the instrument in the hands of High Heaven in diving down into ^[[some of]] the mysteries of three Centuries & bringing forth fruits that will well satisfy my friends, especially my esteemed, honored friend, Harry Grinnell - that I have accomplished some good in coming North.  notwithstanding, I have failed in accomplishing that for wh. I came.  [[underlined]] 'Failed' [[/underlined]] did I write?  I cannot have it so - I have been [[underlined]] delayed [[/underlined]] ^[[ simply ]] in carrying out [[underlined]] my purpose [[/underlined]] wh I still have strong & deep at heart.
[[gap or four or five lines]]
Stormy & Shev-ok-koo started back for Oo-pung-ne-wing this Morning.
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