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on the Box seat of the Cooks in the Galley.  The piece of brick has the appearance of having been used to brighten the ornaments that the female Innuits [[strikethrough]]?[[strikethrough]] wear on their heads.  I made inquiries of the Steward & Fluker (the only 2 whites besides myself aboard) if they knew to where this piece of brick belonged?  They did not - While Ebierbing, N-garng & a small boy Innuit were in Main Cabin, I asked the former if he knew where this piece of brick (which I held in my hand) came from?  He said he did not.  The boy recognized it & said that it belonged to him.  On questioning him he said that he got it on an Island where there were a good many more - an Island near where the "George Henry" was anchored last year - called by the George H men Cooper's Island that it was a brick that came out of the 'try-works' of the vessel that was lost (driven ashore) by the storms of Sept 1860 (Of course, he meant the wrecked "Rescue".)  This exhibits the directness in wh I can trace the source from whence materials found among the Innuits are derived.  I did think that perhaps it was a relic of Frobisher's & felt determined if possible to find out the facts concerning it.  I am satisfied that the piece in question belonged to the try-works of the "Rescue".  However, I preserve it as a [[?memento]]  of the incident.
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Saturday May 24th 1862
AM +29° E. Strong - Thick weather some snow
M +32°  E      "       "     "
PM +24  N.W. Light Cloudy
This morning M-garng & "Bob" each with their own team of dogs & sledge started off for Oo-pung-ne-wing.  The former goes for a large sledge that is [[?over ?them]] belonging to him.  They expect to return to-morrow. Ebierbing & family, Kood-loo & family are still encamped on the ice within a stones throw from the G.H.  They are intending to remove down the Bay in a day or two.
[[blank space about five lines]]
+ [[for Sunday]] May 25th 1862
+30° AM NW Light Cloudy
+45° M NW   "       "
+20° PM NW  "  [[underlined]]Fine - Fine [[/underlined]]weather this PM the 1st for ^[[many a day]]
This PM M-garng  returned from Oo-pung-ne-wing.  Bob remains there till to-morrow.  M-garng says that "Bill" (King-u-ne-wing) who came as dog-driver from place 10th & 19th Enc to O. started back day before yesterday.  M also says that Oo-pung-ne-wing Innuits have not got any additional provisions since I left - that most of the Innuits are out ^[[of all provision]]  To-day Kood-loo & family removed ^[[by means of dog sledge]] down the Bay near the Cape ^[["Sing-eye-er"]] N. side entrance to Rescue Bay.  Ebierbing & family follow to-morrow.  They go down there with the object of Took-too-ing, Sealing & Polar bear hunting.
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