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[[boxed date]]
[[/boxed date]]
runners together, reloads sledge re-lashes it eats, drinks, smokes & ready for a start hX-m30 the delay being only 50 minutes from the Break-down.  At 11-15 PM Arrived to [[strikethrough]] the Bay of [[/strikethrough Rescue Bay.  At h1-m55 AM of
[[note added in pencil between the lines: "(see orig notes [[?abstract ?leaves) Hall"]]
IX-? Wednesday , May 21st 1862 [[note beside the weather log is connected by a line to the first line of text below the log: Arrive along side "George Henry".]]
+25° A.M. Gale with snow
+35° M. S.E. Gale with snow
+20° P.M. N.E. Gale with snow
[[next sentence connected to note above beside weather log]]
Find aboard the Steward & Fluker - Fluker on his pegs again!  both were asleep - the latter ^[[on awakening]] kindly proposed to cook me a breakfast of Ni-noo & make coffee at once saying that a plenty of polar bear meat was aboard - that Ebierbing had given them -  he (E,) leaving ship [[?vin]] but 2 or 3 days ago.  The same party has killed 2 while I have been gone, Kood-loo one.
However declined having any extra trouble made on my a/c.  I did think however that so able bodied a party as this Steward would at least have made a proposal to do same thing in the capacity of place he fills.  I am sure Capt B. would have made him dance to the tune of hot Coffee & grab [[strikethrough]] for? ?]] ^[[(him & myself)]] had he been about at the time of my arrival.  Soon as possible I found my way to my old familiar sleeping place.  Having placed a polar Bear skin on the floor of the little aft-cabins for Koo-per-ne-ung & his wife No 2.  I took my sleeping bag - found my way quickly into it with all on (as in Camping out) & wassoon in the land of dreams - [[underlined]] sweet dreams[[/underlined]] for no longer am I tormented with the fact of there being [[underlined]] lurking d - ls around me [[/underlined]]!
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[boxed date]]
[[/boxed date]]
[[difficult to read due to ink bleed-through]]
Having had a long event sleep got up & was refreshed by a breakfast at IX A.M. of Polar bear steaks fried in [[?slash]]  Good - Capital eating.  To-day engaged doing up packages of shot, powder, leads, tobacco , caps &c for paying off the Innuits of place of10th & 19th Enc. for their supply of provisions for self, my party & dogs also in giving to Koo-per-ne-ung [[? ? for]] equivalent to his ready response in expressing me though safely his caps & shot to the portion who are at Ol-pung-ne-wing for their supply of "Kood" & Ook-gook meat.
Thursday, May 22d 1862
+30° AM E. Fresh Thick weather
+35° M E Fresh 
+29 PM E
This morning Koo-per-neu-ung, his wife No 2 started back for Oo-pung-en-wing, Henry accompanying him for the object of getting down to Og-bier-seer-0-ping among the ship's Company to assist in the whaling
The Steward has  communicated to me to-day news that makes my heart grieve.  He says that the "George Henry Company" while at Oo-pung-ne-wing used three barrels of coal that I had discovered of Frobishers Expedition up the Bay some 40 miles distant from Oo-pung-ne-wing.  Say my heart grieved at this - [[underlined]] So in truth [[/unerlined]]
As I was on the point of leaving Oo-pung-ne-wing (Wednesday  Apr 7th) My last request made in a note I wrote to Capt B. was that ^[[he & his Company]] should not use the Coals I had
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
See page 541 in Hall's book. The Steward was J. R. Hudson. "Fluker" is seaman William Ellard {pp 29 & 541) crewman on a whaling ship who trims the flukes from a whale?].