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[[boxed date]]
Tues[[/boxed date]]
was being gotten in readiness.  After partaking of a few cuts I laid it down on the sledge when a bevy of dogs rushed pell mell to the inviting morsel seized it & sent it down instanter into dog paunch.  I was out of Tobacco stated the fact to Shev-ek-koo who kindly supplied me with a hand of the (shall I now call it [[[[underlined]] Vile Stuff [[/underlined]]?  [[double underlined]] delicious smoking material [[/double underlined]]!  He also brought out & gave me a large piece of Ook-gook meat with blubber to bring to the ship for my eating.  In good & quick time Koo-per-new-ung had fresh & well conditioned teams of 15 dogs attached to my sledge.  He had also attached to the stern of the sledge a large tin bucket well filled with cooked Meituks (Ducks) & Ock-buns & a ^[[very large]] Walrus rib stretching crosswise envelloped in luscious Walrus meat (also cooked)  As the sledge was turned around & is reading I see that wife No 2 (the new one) was to accompany him.  Of course with such a team & with such a liberal coterie to the [[strikethrough]] ?in [[/strikethrough]] In-man I offered no objection - rather I smiled consent,
At hV-m15 PM left Oo-pung-ne-wing.  It took a long time to get dogs under way.  Some objected to leave home.  One in particular named Nebn [[blank space]] was determined he would not go - He flew this way & that (always in a counter way from the desired one) till he finally became subdued by his own dogish exertions.  The start wh covered some 3 miles in distance was an exciting one & oft times quite laughable.  On making out from S.E. end Oo-pung-ne-wing the black Bluff of Ne-pou-ee-tee-sup-bing (the place where the 5 Kod-lu-narns ^[[of 3 centuries ago]] took their schooner to set up her masts) came fully & boldly into view.  I asked Koo-per-neu-ung 'Nou tina Ne-pou-ee-tu-sup-l [[4 or 5 words obscured by page fold-over]]
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[[boxed partial date]]
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other Innuits (1 by Koo-jes-se in the winter of [[underlined]] 1861 & [[/underlined]] while he was accompanying me to Oo-pung-ne-wing)  A few moments after directly over the bluff on the Mountains flanking it Koo-per-neu-ung saw with naked eyes 6 Took-too.  I took the spy & saw the same - they were [[strikethrough]] small [[/strikethrough]] slowly making their way up the mountain, now & then made a stop were in light Coats - nearly white.  At VII-40 PM when near the head of the Arm of Countess of Warwick Sound leading to the Land Pass [[strikethrough]] ? ? ? [[/strikethrough]] bet. it & Rescue Bay met 3 Innuits (2 boys & 1 female) with team of dogs & sledge coming from Rescue Bay.  They had in sledge tupik (tent) & poles [[?be]].  These Innuits belong to the community at Oo-pung-ne-wing.  Koo-per-neu-ung made an exchange of some of the dogs selecting the best of the team we met& giving in place those he thought of least service to him.  Especially K. selected his own dog wh. is a capital leader as I ever saw on a team.  I should here state that the travelling is in a very bad condition caused by the deep snow wh. has fallen within the last 2 hours - This causes slow progress even with the capital dog team wh. K. selected for expressing me through.  
At 8-45 PM arrived head of [[?tents ?reports]] Countess Warwick;s Sound.
Our sight here met by flock partridges.  Reached the dividing ridge of Land Pass bet. Countess of W. Sound & Rescue B. in good time - All fairly on the sledge & descending to Rescue Bay  when  a capsize & Break-down!  This occured IX-40 P.M.  The Break-down of like character as that when making rapid Seal (?) speed from Head Grinnell Inlet.  The other runner split from stem to stern.  Henry's exclamation: 'There now, we've fixed Completely!  The smile of Koo-per-neu-ung who proceeds at once to unload the sledge & make repairs Mortices 3 holes through the 2 inch planks ^[[runner]] with a Seal Knife, lashes
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Transcription Notes:
See pages 540-41 in Hall's book.