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I do not like the idea of writing a "Book of Lamentation" [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] but there is a necessity of my giving an epitome ^[[at least]] of my experiences on my sledge journey up Bay of Frobisher that a fair conclusion may be arrived at as to [[strikethrough]] ?whether [[/strikethrough]] the amount of Work ^[[proposed]] under the circumstances in wh. I was placed. 
Some of my experiences have already found their place in this Book - others will find theirs before Im through.
In condensed form I will here make record of each day's proceedings since the 19th commencing with the Morning of that day.
In my notes of + [[for Sunday]] the [[strikethrough]] ?20th [[/strikethrough]] 18th Inst. it will be seen that I arrived back to place of 10th Enc. from my flying trip to explore Grinnell Inlet & a prortion of Kin-gaite Coast.   That my return was somewhat hindered by the illness of one of my Innuit attendants Koo-jes-se & also that on my arrival to said place found Henry confined by sickness that had ^[[attacked him]] [[strikethrough]] ? ? him [[/strikethrough]] two days after my departure on said trip.  It became a matter of [[?question]] ^[[to me]] how I was to get these sick ones back to Oo-pung-ne-wing as they were unable to walk & the team of dogs quite inadequate to the task of dragging the already over loaded sledge with their additional weight.
But a plan on the Morning of Monday 19th was devised ^[[& adopted]] by me wh. Commence to put down incidents &c [[strikethrough]] ?written [[/strikethrough]] in the order of the days on wh they occured - Journal-like.
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As written above I will commence with
Monday, May 19th 1862
[[boxed note]]
20th Enc
on Island
& Tuc-jine
[[/boxed note]]
+18° A.M. N.W. Light Cloudy
+12° M. N.W. Fresh Thick
+21° P.M. S.E. Gale with snow
This Morning I found on getting up that Koo-jes-se was quite unable to undertake the Homeward journey I anticipated making with my Company to-day.  Given the good result of the pills I had given Henry there was something cheering in the thought [[blot]] he would be able occasionally to walk if I [[strikethrough]] were able [[/strikethrough]] ^[[could once]] make the start with my Company.  I feel a relief when I thought of a plan by wh I could return to the ship at once & quickly taking Henry along with me that he might receive the medicinal care & attention of Capt B. as I know not what turn his complaint might take.  My plan was to take the dogs & sledge proceed to the Ship & return there by [[?Kerry ?]] an ping "Bill" if I could yet get him to accompany me.  I went to Koo-ses-se & stated to him what I propose to do - that I would take Smith ("Henry") to the ship as quick as possible & then send back the team for him, Sharkey & their wives - He (K) (strange to say) [[underlined]]acquiesced in the plan [[/underlined]].  I hastened then to "Bill's" Igloo but found that he was away - had left the eve before with a company of Innuits ^[[that]] [[strikethrough]] who [[/strikethrough]] had called for a few moments while making a sledge journey at his Igloo.  I then went to Koo-kin's Igloo for the object of getting him, but found him nearly Snow blind therefore he could not accompany me.  My last resort  was to call on noble Sharkey.  I regretted the necessity of doing so for he was nearly exhausted by the severe labor that had fallen to his lot by Koo-jes-se sickness on my flying
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Transcription Notes:
See page 540 of Hall's book.