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10th enc.       }
Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a  }
[[?]]           }
Wednesday, May 7th 1862
AM 30° NW Light Cloudy (thick clouds)
M +35° NW Light " " " [[dittos for: Cloudy (thick clouds)]]
PM +22° N.W. Light " " " [[dittos for: Cloudy (thick clouds)
A day that [[underlined]] will live [[/underlined]] in my memory. O that I had a [[underlined]] Daguerreotype [[underlined]] of this day's scene ^[[such]] as [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] has transpired under my eye. As might well be anticipated by any one reading my notes of yesterday, I have had [[underlined]] strange experiences [[/underlined]] with the Innuits of my Company to-day. It remains for me to condence & record them. - It was after 12 (midnight) when I laid my self down - not to sleep but keep [[underlined]] "watch" [[/underlined]]. I ^[[have]] had reason for suspecting that one [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] or 2 of my Co. have been practicing the thieving act by accessing in the midst of the short nights we are now having unscrewing the lid of my provision box & stealing from it. I felt determined that another attempt should be met my catching the evil doer at it. But Sleep finally stole over me - the result I found to be on arising this Morning, that nearly half of the little bread I had was gone! - besides quite a quantity of the ^[[remaining]] Pemican missing. - I said nothing though I felt [[underlined]] troubled [[/underlined]] in Soul. - As purposed, on getting up made preparations for starting on my flying trip. Comporting to my anticipations "Jennie"'s conduct during all the time of these preparations ^[[were going on]] was such that told me she was determined to go too.  When the sledge nearly loaded, I went to Koo-jes-se & asked him if "Jennie" was really going with us? He answered: 'yes'. I then called Sharkey into Igloo & talked with him. He acted the noble part he acquired in my wishes by telling "Jennie" that she must remain with Koo-jes-se & Tu-nuk-de-lien till our return.
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Sharkey had bound his jacket & took-too b[[?]]d [[?]] the ste[[?]] He at once unbound & ^[[threw]] them off. I saw that Sharkey had a mountain of trouble at work within a but he strove manfully to keep his said said cheerful & to do every thing he could to please me. At 2 - 15 (Chro.) h 9 - m 15 AM - after much delay from the acts of Jennie
I & 2 of my Co. started. Henry & Sharkey were the only ones to accompany me. My train of dogs were in fair condition & their number 11 including Koo-Kim's. All on the sledge & out on the sea ice. we kept up a watch of the monuments of Jennie. She rows out on the rocks of the Island Her head turned to a bluff & [[underlined]] bellowing [[/underlined]] (Innuit [[strikethrough]] Cyn [[/strikethrough]] cry-like) I felt rejoiced too see that she was making no direct movements to make toward us. (By [[underlined[[ flashes [[/underlined]] only can I continue the whole of what followed) At some future day I may intervene[[guess]] making the proper connections. Sharkey, repeated attempts before starting to comfort the weeping wife ("Jennie") whom Sharkey truly loves - Would that she was worthy of this noble Innuits endearments. - but alas, "Jennie" makes this world almost a constant h-l to Sharkey. The starting out. - tears oft stenting[[guess]] into the eyes of my Innuit companions as he glanced back. Our making for the N.E. of the island Ki-ki-ju a at this night, distant 2 or 2 1/2 miles. 
Before out on the ice a minutes notice "Jennie"'s quick movements - apparently attempting to strike across to head us. The terrible feelings I experienced in witnessing the powerful & overwhelming effort on Sharkey of this turning himself from "Jennie" - My sympathizing soul almost lead me to give up the trip. Sharkey's oft turned head, looking back as if he expected "Jennie" might follow. My mind otherwise there on the works for wh. I was making this trip. Making a N.W. course (true) for 1/2 hour, "Jennie," discovered in the distance behind following on after us - We continue on - Seals numerous on the ice barking. The dogs finally sight one ahead in my course their rapid speed.  
My asking Sharkey if "Jennie" was really following us? His reply on 

Transcription Notes:
Described on page 523 & following in Hall's book. end page not required on 2nd page per instructions