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circumstances as those surrounding Henry at the time.  [[sentence possibly added between lines]]Silence would have answered a better purpose.[[/sentence]]  Koo-jes-se went out Sealing for a short time to-day & so also Sharkey - the former saw 3 but got none - then went on a partridge hunt & killed 2.  Sharkey saw big Seal by its hole on the ice near Igloos but before he got a shot at it down Seal plunged.  The wind blowing fresh from N.W. makes it unfavorable for going out after Walrus.  The natives are waiting for a S or SE wind to drive up the Bay drifting-ice on wh. they always find Walrus very numerous.  To-morrow I expect to start on my flying trip.  The dogs have regained their own again - sooner than expected therefor I start one day ahead of time previously set.  And I not so sure of starting on this trip - There may be such a turn of matters to-m0rrow morning that I shall decide to return at once to the Ship.  Sharkey signified to me this PM that he wanted to take "Jennie" ^[[his wife]] along with him.  I knew by the way matters were drifting that she had made up her mind to go but I resolved in my mind rather than have the [[underlined]]very 
d -  l[[/underlined]] with me on this flying trip I would turn my face for the place where I would be relieved of my informal "draw-backs".  I have done this much to help me out of the predicament in wh. Sharkey's request placed me.  I have told him I should take Henry making 3 on the sledge & that no more could go.  He acquiesced in my purpose - but his wife [[?yearin]] flew into "[[?drumps]]".  She put on her Kod-lins (skin breeches) & dodged out of Igloo attempting to run away, Sharkey after her.  In about one  hour they returned.  How the matter was settled I not know.  It may be that she will attempt to go when we get ready to start.  My resolution is forma & stated.  In truth I have been obliges to lose much precious time
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[[first line distorted in page fold-over crease]]  in watching who [[?]] provisions & other things I have with me from being stolen.  With all my caution I have met with many lapses.  "Jennie" is constantly watching too - but for a different purpose from mine she to steal & I to prevent it.  There is another one of my Co. that has very recently come to conclusion that as the Kod-lu-nars stole his "Black Skin" last Winter, also broke open his [[strikethrough]][[?  ?] [[/strikethrough]] chest & stole his Ammunition ^[[ [[?shirts]] & various other]] that he will now steal from any & all Kod-lu-nars ^[[(Whites) whenever]] he can.  In fact he [[underlined]](Koo-jes-se)[[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]]he[[/strikethrough]] with [[underlined]]face, frozen[[/underlined]] face said this much to Henry [[strikethrough]]the other[[/strikethrough]] a few days since.  He has already taken numerous things out of my bag clandestinely.  With the exception of Sharkey & Tunukderlien, my Co is a [[underlined]]bad[[underlined]] one.  I little so much evil ^[[could or]] [[underlined]]would[[/underlined]] work out on this trip when I was planning it.
I am not desiring of much sympathy for taking Koo-jes-se as I had [[strikethrough]]had[[/strikethrough]] had him on my voyage last fall & found out by sad experience [[underlined]]what he was[[/underlined]]/  But enough of this [[underlined]]black[[/underlined]] subject.  Let us have bright, [[?shorry]] pictures.  Koo-kin & "Bill" the only 2 men Innuits we found here, are right good fellows - they carry [[underlined]]honest[[/underlined]] faces, the reflex of the soul of the moving spirit within.
They have treated me at all time on entering their tupiks or Igloos [[strikethrough]]with[[/strikethrough]]with warm hands, cordial hospitality.  So of their wives.
To-day Kookin sent for me to come & take supper with him.  I have done so.  Never eat a meal that I enjoyed better.  After eating tender, cooked seal finished off on Seal blood soup.  How well I enjoyed this supper seated on the dais beside Koo-kin & his wife surrounded by their 3 interesting well behaved children.  I  have agreed with Koo-kin for the use of his dog whip on my flying journey  up the Bay giving him a Seal Knife wh. pleases him much.  His wife has loaned me her Koo-sin (Seal Pot) with wh. I can get up a mess of cooked Seal now & then.
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