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[[boxed date]]
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[[strikethrough]]?Sharkey killed [[ink blot]] ? on the [[ink blot]] >  ?[[/strikethrough]] Sharkey shot [[?]] partridge on the Island and this eve They were numerous.]]
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good speed & long distances ^[[being made]] through the day.  On completing this exploration of Grinnel Inlet on my return shall make over if possible on Kin-gaite side coasting along till I arrive to some point opposite place of 9th Enc. & thence make my way across to this 10th Enc.  Sharkey cheerfully & unhesitatingly  consented to accompany me on my speaking tonight my wishes.  He is the one for me on such a trip.  He will take along his Kok-e-ute (gun) expecting to secure some Seals & U hope a Ne-noo or more.  One additional thing I shall take along some "Koo" for the dogs.  This will add considerable to the load but it will meet an emergency in case no success in securing Seals.  This turn of matters pleases me much.  I shall do all I can in the short time now remaining for persecutiong my Work up here.  I have much to do in Countess of Warwick's Sound, Rescue Bay & Budington Bay.  [[strikethrough]]as well[[/strikethrough]] I intend also to make ^[[ [[strikethrough]]another[[/strikethrough]] ]] trip around the land between Rescue & Frobisher Bays before leaving for the States getting the necessary material or data for a Complete Chart from the S W side Bay Frobisher W to the Coast leading from Budington Bay to Northumberland Inlet.  My rapid work must begin on starting on the trip I hope to make soon dogs are in proper condition.
The great Call here by Innuits 'Tobacco Mitz, Tobacco Mitz' Both great & small are thankful of getting even a "whiff" [[strikethrough]]at[[/strikethrough]] lf my pipe!
To-night I have eaten about 12 inches of soft Walrus bone called by ^[[Innuits]] "Soung-nuk".  This as well as "Koo" relieved me of [[?Castings]]  The dogs taken out ^[[to-night to the edge of]] [[strikethrough]]off[[/strikethrough]] the floe where last Walrus was cut up, to feed on the intestines left there.  Capital food for them & free.
Sharkey reports that the Walrus [[?paucch]] is out there buried under the snow that the same contains a large quantity of Clams.
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10th Enc. Island
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+ [[for Sunday]] May 4th  1862
AM +30° NW Fresh Thick Clouds
M +36° NW    "   Snowing
P.M. +26 N.W. [[?]] Cloudy
The wind blowing fresh from N W ^[[& the weather otherwise unpropitious]] the natives ^ have not been out to-day on the floe sealing & after Walrus.  Sharkey however took his gun went out on the Island & returned in one hour bringing 2 partridges that he killed with one shot ^[[he saw a rabbit but unable to get a shot.]]  Being anxious of saving every particle of the condenses provision I have left for my flying sledge trip wh. I & Sharkey are to make soon as dogs are recruited, I now am living on Innuit food, eating Walrus & Seal - & partridge now & occasionally cooked.  However as Tu-nuk-de-lien is int that peculiar state to wh females between certain ages are periodically subject not being ^[[, while this is]] allowed to eat meat such as Innuits secure, I have to give handily some of my pemican.  I cannot have the heart to do otherwise much as I require it myself for she says she is always hungry.
This P M I received invitation to dine at Koo-kins.  I responded by making my way to his Igloo at once.  "Bill" & his wife - & ^[[3]] children were present.  Kookin & his Kun-ni-ins "fine Hosp. & hostess" -with their 3 children were ^[[of course]] there & Sharkey & Henry also; all at work on Cooked [[underlined]]Bull[[/underlined Seal, each having a dripping, smoking hot portions grasped by strong hands, plying it now & then to that [[?now ?Censing]] mill - that [[?now]] filled hole charge with griding teeth.  I was not long in wait before Kunuin drew forth from the long & deep stove oval shaped pot (Koo-sin) ^[[hanging over the Ik-ka-men (fire lamp)]] a like portion of the Seal, of aforesaid gender & passed to me via Kook-kin's [[ink blot]] who took it [[?]] licked off ^[[with his tongue]] all the extraneous matter such as Took-too hairs [[?]] ^[[that operation being]] immediately followed by my working hands & working dentals making way with it.  There are no two ways about the matter of dining with Innuits, one  has got to make up his mind before hand that if he would live [[strikethrough]]?one[[/strikethrough]] among this people
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Transcription Notes:
See page 522-23 in Hall's book.