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[[?passed] off the Island.  Before leaving it  however found circles of stones ^[[on a little plot near the sea indicating that Innuits had made this a place of encampment.  Bones of Seals, Walrus, Ducks scattered all arounf - but all showed evicent signs of the place having been occupied years ago.  From this Island Course changed to N. 56°E. leading among numerous Islets.  From this Island Course changed to N 56° E. leading among numerous Islets.  On this Course made 1 3/100 mile when we arrived to this, 10th Enc. where we found two Igloos the same occupied by 2 families Koo-kin's & "Bill's" ([[blank space]]).  I was glad to find that they were abundantly supplied with provisions, Seal & Walrus,especially with the latter, Koo-kin having captured ^[[a very large]] one but two or 3 days ago.  When I & Henry arrived Sharkey & Koo-jes-se )( the latter arrived before Sharkey with the team &* sledge) were engaiged running up snow walls on wh. to place Canvass covering.
I was met by Koo-kin & Bill & [[?of ?kindy]] hospitality entertained by their bringing forth Walrus meat & hide for my eating. While Henry  cut & ate of the head piece, I minced & partook of "Kou" ( hide of Walrus) wh. ate for its Medicinal effects in loosening refractory [[strikethrough]]?material[[/strikethrough]] material within my system.
Soon Kun-ni-un wife of Koo-kin gave me [[strikethrough]]an[[/strikethrough]] & portion of a partridge that had just been shot.  Of course I ate this as Innuits eat partridge, [[underlined]]raw[[/underlined]].  Koo-kin soon after I arrived took up my spy & looked out to the open water 1 1/2 miles off.  His eye caught sight of numerous Walrus on the drifting ice.  A few moments found this enterprising young man Innuit & "Bill" armed & equiped for Walrus pursuit.
They harnessed up the single dog wh. they have & attached it to a small sled on wh. they placed their equipment & away they went toward the edge of the floe where was their Ki-as.  I directed my way up on the Island - took compass bearings
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of several points up Kin-gaite & other places.
I took spy & directed it to the open water - many piecesof drifting ice block with barking Walrus - & the back waters whitened over here & there with Nowyers Sea birds of excellent eating - & other places block my aim with innumerable Ducks.  What a region of life!  Even after I returned from my sighting tramp up on this Island Koo-kin & Bill returned.  The former had struck a very large Walrus but the line (to wh. harpoon & [[?deng]] were attached) getting foul of the ice on wh. the walrus was asleep when struck, parted & this Walrus & harpoon & greater part of Walrus line were lost.  This makes the 3d that Kookin has struck & lost within  one week.
The two Igooos occupied by the parties named with their families domeless the sun having melted them down.  They are living with only a sky roof.  Capital facility for lying in bed & stueying the Geography of the heavens.
I find the natives are so well supplied with provision both for them & dogs that I have changed my purpose as alread indicated.  In fact I have to-nigh made the arrangement to have dogs well fed up for four days & then with Sharkey as my dog driver & Sealer start off on a flying sledge journey up the Bay of Forbisher some 50 miles or more to Ki-o-lik-tune, "Grinnell Inlet," to explore it to its termination found anywere within 100 miles of here.  Koo-jes-se is to remain here to Seal & get Walrus for the remainder of Co.  Henry of course will be one of said Co. will remain here.  The probobility is that I shall be gone one week.  I take along as little as possible - the remainder of my pemican & Bordon Meat Biscuit, my instrumentrs & sleeping bag.  Of course the load will be light wh. will allow
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