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on wh. but a few minutes before rested our Tupik Canvass Cover (Sun-proof).  Within those walls meatless bone ^[[& blood]] of Walrus & Seal - sure proof that we had done [[underlined]]something[/underlined]] (?) while at 9th Enc.  The scene as if wolves had been feasting & then had hungered - & feasted again by [[strikethrough]] gnawing [[/strikethrough ]] gnawing & sucking [[underlined]]bones.[[/underlined]]  Beside the W. wall there lay my dead Greenlander. Me-rak.  A faithful, hard working dog Me-rak had always been.  He died in service.  [[strikethrough]]I shall[[/strikethrough]] I shall not forget him.  Ban-be-kak (Merak's 1 year younger brother0 the intelligent (?) dog will often remind me of the relative of his that sickened & died while encamped out on the ice of Bay of Frobisher after having done his best to help me on in my work in the region.  My chiseled Pemican can wh. I had dispensed with to get rid of all the weight possible - & also the staves of my powder keg in wh. I had my pulverized Borden Meat Biscuit were in wild confusion scattered here & there.  All in all, I bid as Stoic adieu to 9th Enc. as I could command - & yet I felt thank Heaven that we had been preserved [[?subtely]]  Through storm & cold in the dangerous place where was my 9th Enc.
[[strikethrough]]The Sun[[/strikethrough]] At the time named hXI-m05 AM I directed my Course & commenced my usual pacing.  The Sun poured down its hot rays in great profusion.  I soon found that the surface of the gale packed snow wreaths [[strikethrough]]?were[[/strikethrough]] was fast softening allowing a little give to sledge & feet.  The increasing N. Declination of Solar [[strikethrough]]ob[[/strikethrough]] orb will -soon have our present excellent highway co-mingled with Ocean Waters, to be ploughed by Ships, Boats, Oo-mu's, Ki-as, monsters of the deep, "little fishie" &c &c.
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On making about 5 miles on Course N 74 E true, Koo-jes-se asked me if I was willing he should proceede to the open water then distant ?1 mile & try for a shot at a Seal?  He said that as the weather was so fine he thought he could get one or more - that he would meet me at the point I intended to make my 10th Enc.  I cheerfully consented.
While making the distance from 9th Enc. to the Islands nearest it (9th Enc.) lying in Course we came across several Seal Igloos.  Tu-nuk-der-lien while advancing ahead fell through the dome of one - but received no harm.  Sharkey ^[[during a stop to rest the dogs]] took off one of the Seal dogs & his ^[[dog's]] line in hand proceed to try for Seal Igloo - Ten minutes travel proved fruitless.  Made 6 51/100 miles on Course N 74E before reaching the line on group of Islands extending out in Bay of Frobisher just before Kin-gaite Coast [[?bryath]] it be closed from view by the numerous Islands I stopped & took PM obs. see Log book.  Having completed them, while Sharkey  proceeded on with the team I, accompanied by Henry, made for the small Island to view the scene around & get a good drink of Sun-Made-snow-water wh has now just began to be of limited supply on the Islands  My hopes of finding water were realized.  I  had with me a little seal skin bag about the size of a pocket, wh. I drew forth & opened. out of ^[[contents of]] this I my attendant had a lunch, the contents being rock pemican & Borden Meat Biscuit.  Of all provisions for an Arctic traveller these articles are the best, most condensed, hearty & convenient for use.  They are good eating without any cooking.  Made into soups or puddings or any thing else to gratify taste they are super excellent.  There on the [[?noches]] by a little pool of snow water made a good lunch on the uncooked [[?substantiales ?named]].  After taking a few Compass & sextant sights
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Transcription Notes:
May 3rd on page 522 of Hall's book.