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[[boxed date]]
[[strikethrough]]Sat[[/strikethrough Fri
[[/boxed date]]
but Henry did & reported it to me.  I noticed that Koo-jes-se in eating Seal this Morning did not as usual offer any to Henry.  I asked Henry if he had had any breakfast or Seal this Morning.  He replied he had not - & that if any [[strikethrough]]any[[/strikethrough]] had been offered him he should not have taken any [[strikethrough]]from[[/strikethrough]] ^[[after he [[strikethrough]]had[[/strikethrough]] heard]] the remarks Koo-jes-se  had made.  Henry told me (privately) that Koo-jes-se declared he could catch Seal & that Henry nor I should ^[[ [[strikethrough]]not[[/strikethrough]] be any better off for it - K declared that he (K.) was ^[[not]] going to catch Seal for us - furthermore signified - that he (K) would uk-lee-per [[strikethrough]]it[[/strikethrough]]] (steal) it whenever he could get a chance.  This conduct of K. arises because I will not give to him an equal share of my little Civilization food I have with me to what I eat myself!  A few minutes before Koo-jes-se & Sharkey took each a Seal dog & proceeded to hunt for Seal Igloos.  They returned VI this eve.  As K. has a kind of commanding influence with some Innuits, he induced Sharkey to delay his (S.) going out till he (K) went.  With Sharkey I can get along finely, smoothly, Companionlike - The Sealers returned unsuccessful S. saw many Seal Igloos; K none.  Determined to make all as agreeable as possible while with my present Company I took the opportunity to night of taking off the sharp edges of Koo-jes-se t by telling him plainly but Kindly how little provision I have, that that litte I required for my own use - a few moments after I gave him & Sharkey a hand of tobacco each.  This had its desired effect.  Koo-jes-se became talkative& if pliant, accomodating spirit.  Now as good as a pleased Innuit - on a  hungry day with a meat bone.
[[blank space about 1/5 of the page]]
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[[boxed note left margin]]
10th Enc
(an Island above Island
Bearing from the
place on "Great Glacier,"
on Kin-gaite side
that I visited 1st May
[[strikethrough]]N. W. 3? ? ?distant
19 ?/? miles[[/strikethrough]]
Saturday, May 3d 1862
A.M. +20° N W Fresh [[underlined]]Fine[[/underlined]]
M.+45°  N W Light                   "
P.M. +32° N.W. "  Cloudy
[[confusing ink bleed-through on this page]]
Removed from 9th Encampment at last.  The Change a good one.  Out on sledge exploring trip & [[?10]] dogs at one encampment.  Bad record this but [[?sudthulys]] truth must & will have its place - & I say the change a good one - so it is - It has opened up a change of plan already.  I have this record to make to-night that everything is now favorable to carry out my formal purpose of proceeding soon as the dogs are recruited to explore the extent of Grinnell Inlet called by Innuits Ki-o-lik-tune.  I must give the facts in ^[[the proper place]] relative to this area of my journey back to the Ship.  
A late hour this Morning when my Innuit Company turned out.  Innuits are very fond of getting up late & rising late.  On turning out of Took-too furs all hands busy packing up for a Start homeward.  While sledge loading was going on I was engaged with sextant & Compass [[?dwelling]] in various points of Kingaite Coast.  The Morning [[underlined]]Fine[[/underlined]]. How I wished that [[strikethrough]]At[[/strikethrough]] the day I went "Maying" over on Kin=gaite's Great Gla[[[strikethrough]]z[[/strikethrough]]^[[c]]ier had been like this.
At XI-15 started from 9th Enc.  I was the last to leave it being engaged in drinking in the Magnificence of Kin-gaite's everlasting mountains of ice & rock.  From this I at last had to turn my eyes rested for a moment on a scene close by - the ruins of 9th Enc.  There at my right the spiral walls of domeless Igloo - at my left the snow walls
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Transcription Notes:
"Maying" I gues like "May Day" refering to May 1st when he was on Kingaite.