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the dog harnessed into the team and returned.  Henry thinks the distance down to the edge of the floe where they 1st went this Morning was ful as far as from this )9th) Enc. back to place of 8th.  If this be so the distance made to-day with dogs & sledge cannot be less than [[strikethrough]]40[[/strikethrough]] 35 to 40 miles.  I have made my mind up - that I shall not "dilly-dally" with these natives any longer.  My time is to precious [[?]] have it subjected to the will or wants of these Free born Sons of the North.  To day Koo-jes-se instead of accompanying Sharkey to make exertions to secure provisions for the poor dogs has remained in Tupik all day spending the most of it sleeping - Indeed Sharkey did not use an hour's time in Sealing.  When Innuits have something on hand ^[[in way of provisions]] they oft time care for no more till that something is all gone.
To-morrow morning I start early for Kin-gaite, D.R?.  Sharkey is to accompany me.  This evening promises a fair day.  The next day ^[[ [[strikethrough]]?on ?day ?fo[[/strikethrough]] or day after]] I proposed to start on my trip up [[strikethrough]]to[[/strikethrough]] Grinnell [[strikethrough]]?R[[/strikethrough]] Inlet to explore that - or else I start for Oo-pung-ne-wing.  If I take the latter Course it will be to get my present Co. off my hands; Then if I wish to [[strikethrough]]make[[/strikethrough]] continue explorations I will select one Innuit (say Sharkey, one of my present Co.)  take a dog team & [[underlined]] do my Work[[/underlined]].
Looking up the Bay ^[[this eve]] with spy, I saw a great black cloud.  It was a cloud of Ducks!  Figuratively - writing it - a Cloud of Millions.
Sharkey brought home a portion of a Seal skin that he found near the open water - says that a Polar Bear
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had caught the Seal & devoured it except what he brought in to wit piece of the skin.  Sharkey says that he saw several partly devoured Ducks that the crows had pounced upon & ^[[of wh they had]] made  [[strikethrough]]a meal[[/strikethrough]] feasts.  [[strikethrough]]upon.[[/strikethrough]] He says that Crows [[strikethrough]]will[[/strikethrough]] ^[[often]] dive into a flock of flying ducks & almost always succeed each in making [[?sure]] of one.
The Sun-Set to-night fine.  as its upper limb was sinking beneath the Se horizon, the glorious orb was one fist diameters to the right of the extreme Land seen on Kin-gaite side (N.W.)
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9th Enc.
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Thursday, May 1st 1862
AM +9° ^[[Light]] N.W. Cloudy - Thick clouds.
M +32  N.W. Light  (Then +74° in Sun at 9th Enc.)
P.M. +6° N.W. Fresh Cloudy
My Sledge trip to Kin-gaite - Meet an abutting, discharging Glacier - ascend it to the Heights of Kin-gaite mountains - find it of illimitable extend - a Sea of Ice. - descend & across Bay of Frobisher to 9th Encampment

This Morning according to purpose prepared myself for Crossing Bay of Frobisher on the ice to Kin-gaite side.  While Henry was engaged harnessing up the dogs, I was getting to-gether my Instruments & a little bag of rock-pemican & Borden Meat Biscuit.  Just as I & my attendant (for the day,) Sharkey were about to start we together participated
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