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[[Date in left margin]]
+ [[for Sunday]]
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[[strikethrough]]abut[[/strikethrough]] about dinner time, at an American [[strikethrough]]Farmer's[[/strikethrough]] farmer's repast was to be a boiled dish of Pork, Beef, Cabbage, Carrots, [[strikethrough]]Bet[[/strikethrough]] Beets, potatoes &c - finishing off with hot mince pie!  A "Thanksgiving Dinner ^[[of the States]] would go very [[underlined]]thank[[/underlined]]fully with an arctic Explorer quite as often as the day comes around!
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9th Enc  Monday Apr 28th 1862
AM +16° NW Light Fair
M +35° NW    "  Thick fog Light snow
PM 33° Calm Cloudy
I started Henry off again at VII AM this Morning for place 8th Enc for the still missing dog.  He got it, returned IX AM & now we will exercise double care in keeping it.  the hunters & Sealers off at IX-30 for the open water taking dogs & sledge.  To-morrow I take Sharkey or Koo-jes-se & make a trip with dogs & sledge to Kin-gaite & next day start homeward.  I can employ my time to better account them submitting to the slow progress of these Innuits with huge stomachs!
Henry saw innumerable ducks flying in all directions over Bay of Frobisher going & coming fon his morning ride.  Before Koo-jes-se & Sharkey left they requested that Henry should pound the blubber for "Bill" & "Jennie" while they
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[[date in left margin]]
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waited for fire light for the day.  [[?made]] Innuits according to Innuits Custom not allowed either to eat ^[[of the meat]] [[strikethrough]]?wh ?tuck]] or pound the blubber of the 1st Seal of the season!
I gave "Jennie" & "Bill" breakfast of my Pemican as they had nothing else to eat.  [[?Kupegren]] ^[[at place 8th Enc.]] by the by Henry says did get a seal yesterday  All Innuits there, male & female, out hunting for seal Igloos - get but one.  The [[?gratter]] sex of [[?next]] place of [[?emsec]] could not eat of it.  My dinner to-day a "Minute Pudding" made by a little of the [[?flour]] I have with me.  My  butter Seal oil!  At VIII PM K & S drove up with two Seals on the sledge having them on the ice breaking by the open water  One Seal of large size (nearly 200 lbs) the other smaller (of 100 lbs) the former shot by S - the other by K.  Innuits to fed up the dogs to night on the last of the Kou (Walrus hide) save a piece 3 by 9 inches wh I keep to eat as a laxative  After this they gave them a feed on Seal Vok-sook (blubber).
In unharnessing the dogs that careless & oft times heedless Henry before making secure the dog wh. he brought back from place 8th Enc. this Morning let go his hold of it; - the result dog bounded back to said place again.  The weather now so warm that the Igloo is in melting state - completely riddled with Sun-burnt holes.  To night another Seal Feast.
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Transcription Notes:
This day on page 516 in Hall's book. I am constantly amazed when Hall produces something unexpected from his kit. This day it was "flour." From time to time he has produced papers of pins, brass rings, knives, percussion caps, lead shot, "Pemican," Bordens Meat Biscuit, ink, mercury (for artificial horizon), large sextant, small sextant, boxed chronometer, chronometer, compass, spyglass, consumables (raw Walrus, Seal, blubber), etc. How did he manage???