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9th Enc.  Saturday Apr 26th 1862
AM -4° NW Gale but Sun out bright
M  -2° NW   "   "   "   "    "
PM  0° NW   "   "   "   "    "- 
At one PM Koo-jes-se & Sharkey took each a Seal dog & hook & went out to search for Seal Igloos - returned at V PM having found only one Igloo but got no young seal.  Koo-jes-se talks of turning back to Oo-pung-ne-wing - says he & all of us are hungry - that we will Tuk-a-nock (die) if we do'nt get a Seal or Bear or White Whale or something else soon.  The weather as a general thing is very bad for operations both for my own & the Sealers. Kou our eating to-day.  Henry "on watch" to-night for Seal & Seal Soup - determined tho Innuits shall  not have a feast another night while we are [[underlined]]asleep[[/underlined]]!
[[four or five line blank space]]
9th Enc  +[[for Sunday]] Apr 27th 1862
AM +10° NW Cloudy Fresh breeze Gale broke ^[[during the night]]
M +22° NW Light Fair
PM +17 NW   "   Dark sky S & SE
At hIX-m00 this Morning I started off Henry after the two remaining run-away dogs instructing him to proceed ^[[1st]] to place 8th Enc. & if dogs are not there to get an Innuit to accompany him down to place of 7th Enc. where the stray ones must be found if found at all.  At IX-30 AM Koo-jes-se
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+ [[for Sunday]]
& Sharkey  (Tu-nuk-der-lien accompanying them) proceeded with their guns & Sealing geer down the Bay Frobisher to the open water (2 miles off)  Before starting immense number of Meituks (ducks) were seen flying in the direction of the open water.  I am not without great hopes that the hunters will succeed in getting something in the way of provisions to-day.  Took Meridian Alt of the sun^[[to-day]] using small sextant.  I took a contemplative walk this eve - my conclusion to make a trip over to Kin-gaite coast & heights & then [[underlined]] turn back [[/underlined]] as tjre is but little ground to justify me in endeavoring to accomplish the work I had planned out for me to do.  My Company have to spend too much time in getting the wherewith to keep soul & body to-gether.  I am now convinced that my `1st plan of taking a team of dog, having no one with me but Sharkey & exploring the Bay of Frobisher [[strikethrough]] ?thoroughly [[/strikethrough]] or rather the Inlets from ?N on the N.E. Coast to the head was far the best one.
When not changed from putting in force that plan by [[strikethrough]]acct[[/strikethrough]] accepting the proposition of Koo-jes-se that he & wife accompany me I little thought of the delay that [[strikethrough]]would[[/strikethrough]] has resulted by so doing.  "Large bodies move slow" is an old saw but a trite one in this case.  With Sharkey & Koo-jes-se as my adjunct I might have done my work & been on my way back by this time.  I cannot better employ time than to return & make a complete survey & Chart of "Countess of Warwick's Sound" of Frobisher; & especially make further investigations on that little, low but nevertheless deeply interesting historical Island [[underlined, writ large]] "Kod-lu-narn."[[/underlined]]
The time is drawing near when the "Greorge Henry" makes her departure for the States.  I am not too imaginative when I conclude the deep intrest that will be taken by the Civilized World in the
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