Viewing page 186 of 239

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[[boxed date]]
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could possibly have been performed for me under the circumstances being indisposed and nearly frozen.
My Course within 1 mile of upper or NW termination of Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a the Island that Innuits always make for on Crossing Bay of Frobisher to Kin-gaite on from Kin-gaite to opposite coast 1 to 2 miles the width of Channel bet. Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a & Ki-ki-tuk-ju-ou-sen the next Island above the 1st named.  The building of 3 Igloos by the parties with the 2 sledges - one by my Co. & 2 by the accompanying Innuits.  [[underlined]] Five ^&[[long, long]] hours before settled within [[/underlined]]  My sufferings this day & night - The alarming attack.
The heart rendering News I learn to night of the abandonment of Twer-oong to die alone by sickness hunger & cold.  when her wing-a (Koo-ter-ee nung) "miner,"  & her Son Koo-per-ee-nung ("Charley") removed from Op-pung-ne-wing a few weeks ago Twer-oong ("Susy") was unable to walk - was obiged to be carried on the sledge.  On making a few miles up the Bay of Frobisher Twer-oong was taken ashore, an Igloo built for & she placed within & without food or any means of making a fire light & then abandoned to die unattended in that solitary Igloo wh. was her living tomb.
A few days after some Innuits visited the Igloo & found her dead!  My heart Weeps.
The strapping on ^[[the]] young Innuits enveloped in Took-too furs on the high sledge.  Where we are encamped by the line of Islands of wh. Ki=ki-tuk-ju-a & Ki-ki-tuk-ju-ou-ser form a part on continuation.  No Islands bet. 8th Enc. & Kin-gaite.  Fifty, perhaps 75 miles of Kin-gaite Coast in view.  That part opposite *S. W.) rugged majestic & imposing.  My Course to-morrow in that direction - crossing Bay of Frobisher.
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[[note in left margin]] 
9th Enc.
[[/note in left margin]]
Wednesday Apr 23rd 1862
AM 0° N w Fresh Fair
M +7 N W    "     "
PM -5° N W  "     "
Made a short march of 5 1/10 miles to-day direct for Kin-gaite, stopping short of making its coast 10 miles or so.  Course S 18 W 1 63/100 [[strikethrough]] ?nile [[/strikethrough]] mile; S. 28 W. 3 47/100 miles.  By Dead Reckoning this (9th Enc) is in Lat N 62°-48'-56"; Long. W. 66°-59'-30"; (by Obs. Lat. 62248-50'-49")  Here I make a stop to allow the Innuit hunters & Sealers the opportunity to get provisions for dogs & ourselves.  How long this delay will continue is quite uncertain.  The last act before leaving 8th Enc: - Ak-ke-le-u with mother Pe-ta-to for a lock of her "sable & silver" hair!
My visit top of the Island near by 8th Enc is Polar Bear tracks fresh. The depredation of some Bear in nipping open a deposit of provisions belonging to the Innuits on same Island & devouring contents.  My old & good friend Ook-gook-al-loo's unexpected appearance from on of the numerous Islands about 8th Enc.  This & my joy ^[[on]] meeting Another considerable community of Innuits near by from wh. Vok-gook-al-loo hide
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Transcription Notes:
The death of Tweroong is related on page 514 of Hall's book (April 18th), slightly out of journal date sequence. The group stayed at 9th Encampment for ten days, desperately searching for food. There is a date gap: 9th Enc., April 22 on page 515, next date mentioned in Hall's book on page 516 is April 28th, 1862.