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At 7th Enc
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+ [[for Sunday]] Apr. 20th 1862
AM +7 N.E. Snow Storm
M +16 N.E.   "    "
PM -4 N.  Gale (snow flying & darking the ^[[?light]]
This morning Sharkey in accordance to arrangement, harnessed up the dogs & took Henry up ^[[to one of]] the Islands, not far off, where Minner, Koo-per-neu-ung & Kinny-?u-?an-ping with their families have been stopping awhile for the object of having Henry return with them to Oo-pung-ne-wing & thence to proceed to the ship  Sharkey & Henry left VIII-45 AM, the former returning XI-15 AM.  Miner * koo-per-ne-ung had started off [[strikethrough]]?by[[/strikethrough]] early this Morning removing their families & effects to an Island down the Bay 4 or 5 miles distant.  As Kinny-u-an-ping removes to same place to-morrow Henry made arrangements to stop & go with him.  The notion named above intend to return to Oo-pung-ne-wing, stopping occasionally on the way sealing.  The opportunity of sending Henry back is a good one.  I gave him a long knife to give to Miner for [[strikethrough]]?Car[[/strikethrough]] providing & taking care of him till he should arrive back  I am now alone - that is no white man with me.  Had Henry proved to be as serviceable as I anticipated I should have [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] retained him.  He was glad to return not liking the exposure one is [[strikethrough]]sub[[/strikethrough]] subject to on such trip.  I am now one.  Henry will do very well on short journeys when he can ride on sledge & have enough - [[underlined]] as much as he can eat & drink at all times [[/underlined]] -  but when it comes to walking - 
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climbing mountains & occasionally be short of food & drink, he proves unequal to the emergency.  He is not the one on whom one can rely, in case severe or even ordinary trials are to be endured & battled.  I wrote a hasty not to Capt. B. on the point of his departure stating to Capt. B. that I did not think I should be back till last of next month, also giving him the change in my plan - of crossing Bay of Frobisher to ?Kiu-quite by way of Ki-ki tuk-ju-a thence follow up Kin-gaite coast & homeward on N. E. Coast of the Bayh
To-day I have been around in the several Igloo trading for Kow (Walrus hide) or my team of dogs.  The dogs are fast [[?recruiting]]  The natives here are about to [[?]] Wh the Bay.  They ^[[Innuits]] are decidedly a literal people.  Indeed their way of living - of [[?procuring]] food will not admit of its being otherwise
We are now having a spell of bad weather.  How long it will continue of course is uncertain but I can not without great hope that much [[underlined]] fine [[/underlined]] weather will follow.  Old Pe-ta-to called on me to-day but had no further talk with her on ancient matters.  Koo-jes-se, my interpreter, was out.  Innuits of the village are calling in to see me every few minutes.  They always seem glad to se me.  In more ways than one I have learned that I stand high in their estimation as a great friend to their people.  The result is: all Innuits are very kind & attentive to me supplying my every want while [[?aring]] their [[?abundantly]].  Of course I do not fail in making response to all [[?thus]] at every proper opportunity making such presents as I deem the most acceptable.
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