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& several young Innuits - all awaiting the [[underlined]] "Good time Coming" [[/underlined]].  Pe-ta-to was the "presiding genius."  She fingered out a big piece of the Seal & handed it to me.  She done [[?]] the same to all others present.  Before I had mine half down the old lady handed me another ^[[ & biger]] piece.  I laid it aside till I could finish what I had begun.  My appetite was sharp & I doubt not I done justice to Seal & myself before I was through.  Henry declared that he never [[strikethrough]] ?ate [[/ strikethrough]] partook of a meal that he relished better.  The piece of Seal wh. Pe-ta-to handed him to work up on was the posterior portion on half of the Seal's vertabra engulfed in Ook-sook (blubber) & meat.  The piece was some sixteen inches long & of a circumference sufficient to ^[[scree]] quite a sized child in playing the game "Hide & seek."  I asked Henry if  he was not sick? at the moment he had made a deeper dive with his jaws into the meat pile he had before his face.  He replied he was not then, but didn't know but he should be before he had completed the pleasant task before him.  Before I got through with Seal meat Pe-ta-to handed me a large wood bowl of Seal-soup.  This is the Nectar of a Seal feast.  I knew I could not make way for all that had been given me so I laid aside Seal meat remaining & commenced on ethe Soup allowing Henry to [[underlined]] "S-O-U-P!" [[/underlined]] of it alternately.  One little incident I notice [[strikethrough]] ?being [[/strikethrough]] here that took place at said feast.  After I was supplied with Bowl of Soup, another wood bowl of a Capacity equivalent to 4 quarts was placed down on the floor of the Igloo for dog to wash out with his pliant dish cloth.  Having licked it clean outside as well as in, the vessel was at once filled with luscious soup & partaken of by Sharkey, Oo-soo-kar-loo & Kop-e-o alternately.  Innuit fashion - one sip & pass around.
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To-day old Allokee made me a present of his se-ko-?se-?lah [[this entry may have been added to the page after completed?]]s
[[?Pit-?tik-zhu]] & Kok-jua (Bows & arrows) The Innuits at Se-ko-se-lah have no guns - the Bow & arrows being their hunting & war instruments  The Innuits all along N. side Hudson Strait use Bows & arrows.  Itis strange to me the Hudson Bay Co. ships that pass up & down on that coast every year have not supplied them with guns & ammunition long before this.  The idea that the Innuits would ^[[be facilitated]] [[strikethrough]] make bad use of their [[/strikethrough]] in killing [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] their ^[[(the Innuit)]] people in their warfare is an [[?enourmous]] one.
This evening I was somewhat frightened!  While engaged in writing up my Journal a loud shout by an Innuit just outside the took-soo (entrance vestibule ^[[to Igloo]]) & quick as though Koo-jes-se, Sharkey, Tu-nuk-der-lien & Jennie sprung for the long knives laying about & hid them beneath the bed or any place that they could screen them.  I knew not what to make of it - my 1st thought was that a Company of Warlike Innuits were upon us.  A few moments dispelled this idea.  I asked Koo-jes-se what this all meant?  He replied 'An-ge-koo, An-ge-koo'!  Immediately there came crawling into the low entrance to Igloo an Innuit with long hair completely covering his face & eyes - He [[strikethrough]] was [//strikethrough]] on his knees on the floor of the Igloo, feeling around like a blind man at every side of the entrance back of the fire lights, the place where meat is usually kept & where Knives are usually to be found.  Not finding any, An-ge-koo slowly withdrew from Igloo.  I asked Koo=jse-se what would have been the consequences had An-ge-koo found a Knife?  He replied that he [[insert in blue ink]] ^[[that is Angeko]] [[/insert in blue ink]] would have [[strikethrough]] stap [[/strikethrough]] stabbed him ^[[Angeko]] in his chest & thus killed  himself.  Strange people these Innuits.
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