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7th Enc.
Friday Apr. 18th 1862
AM +2° N.W. Fresh breeze Fine
 M +8° N W Strong Fair
PM -2° N.W. Gale with drift Fair
At h9-m30 ^[[all]] started from 6th Enc. in the direction of Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a.  Our progress slow on account of heavy load & poor state of the dogs.  The travelling [[underlined]] good [[/underlined]] , as indeed has it been most of the time & since leaving Oo-pung-ne-wing; the snow upon the ice hard as a floor.  Were it not for the snow wreaths (drifts) that are constantly occuring the travelling would be smooth & perfect.
At 12 (meridian) ^[[the wind]] began to freshen up & soon became a smart breeze.  Koo-jes-se said [[strikethrough]] there [[/strikethrough]] a gale was coming.  He called my attention to its advance by pointing in the direction of Kin-gaite.  A short time before Kin-gaite Wall of Mountains were standing out in bold relief Now it was being enveloped in clouds of flying driven Snow -  soon Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a became obscure following wh the Gale broke upon us filling the air with "white dust."  Koo-jes-se advised that we should hasten on till we arrived to a small Island ahead & under its lee erect an Igloo  After trundling one mile ^[[in Gale]] arrived to the Island, - not finding suitable snow ^[[for Igloo building]] made but short stop there.  While we were resting [[?select]]  beside the loaded sledge wh shielded us from Gale & driven snow saw an Innuit in the distance approaching.  Sharkey went out to meet him but as the [[strikethrough]]stranger[[/strikethrough]] unknown Innuit shot behind our Island Sharkey returned.  We started on, winding our way among the Islands wh were [[?force]] numerous.  We made [[1/2 mile]] when we met the Innuit that Sharkey
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to communicate with who proved to be Ning-u-ar ping, son of kok-er-jab-in (thw widow of Kud-la-go)  He was out with his Seal-dog & Seal gun hunting for Seal Igloo.  He said that there were many Innuits near.  Some up the Inlet on bay at the entrance of wh. we then were  He said that Miner & Koo-per-ne-ung & their families were among the Innuits up said Bay on Inlet.  I was glad to hear this for I thought I might take my team of dogs & run up there on making 7th Enc.  See my good Innuit friend Twer-oong.  Before the day's record is cleared It will be seen that my visit would have been in vain or would have terminated in gloom  As the Gale increased we increased speed stopping long now & then for Koo-jes-se ^[[ & Sharkey]] to prospect with their Oo-min (Seal spears) the state of the snow (^[[to ascertain]]whether suitable for Igloo building or not).  At least 1 2/3 mile was made before finding good Igloo snow.  At h2-m10 PM drew up on the lee side of an Island & stopped, finding there capital snow for building material.  While Sharkey, Koo-jes-se & Ning-u-ar-ping (the latter very attentie to helping in every way he could, attaching his gog to our sledge team ^[[himself] accompanying us to what I then supposed to be ^[[my]] [[strikethrough]]our[[/strikethrough]] 7th ?Enc) were engaged erecting an Igloo  I made my way over & up the tide broken ice to the Island close by.  Getting myself wedged in [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] between [[strikethrough]] two [[/strikethrough]] two friendly rocks that shielded me from sweeping gale, well up on the Island.  I tooka sweeping view of the country round about.  the snow was flying too thickly to allow good sights but occasionally a lifting up allowing a wink time look.  I turned my telescope down to Igloo builders - they were making good progress.  The field of said telescope is quite large - it proved too large for "Henry" for it not only took in Igloo builders hard at their work but Henry hard at his, tho his not of an ennobling character.  He gad tajeb the opportunity of my Island tramp of helping himself
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