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6th Encampment
W, Cape of Beauty
Wednesday Apr 16 1862
AM + 20[[degree symbol]] N.E. Fresh (Thick weather (Evening)
M + 40[[degree symbol]] NE very light ( " " [[dittos for: Thick weather]] 
(At 2 1/2 PM }
(show 63[[degree symbol]] in Sun }
P.M. + 6[[degree symbol]] N.W. " " [[dittos for: Very light]] Fair
Have made 7 miles to day nearly on a N W Course. The day has been a warm one - [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] too hot [[/underlined]] for travelling, it seemed to me. - Thermometer at 2 1/2 PM [[underlined]] 63[[degree symbol]] [[/underlined]] in the sun! 
This morning the indications were that the day would be a bad one; but at X AM the thick clouds began to break & evening cease [[strikethrough]] [[?] [[/strikethrough]]. Though the day was well advanced concluded to proceede [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] on my trip up the Bay.
The re breaking up of camp takes time - but as soon as possible every thing was in readiness for a start.
Started 11 - 45 AM direct [[underlined]] for "Sugar Loaf" [[/underlined]] - a well defined mark [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 2 miles above 3 & 5 Enc - one mile above Ming-u too - the same point being distinctly visible from either the top of Qo-puny-ne-wing on top of  Twer-puk-ju-a I do not recollect wh - perhaps from both.
I know I have sighted it from out of the places named. Our advance has not been rapid for my hunters & sealers being nearly out of provision have been obliged to take time in hunting for young seals on the way. After travelling awhile, the team was stopped when Sharkey & Koo-jes-se would each take his seal-dog & proceede to hunt for seal igloos. Each has [[strikethrough]] capt [[/strikethrough]] secured one young seal. Several others beside
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1862    }
Apr     }
16      }
Wedns   }
these two were "hooked" but escaped. Koo-jes-se found the hind flippers of a young seal beside ^[[a seal]] [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] ^[[ a seal ]] igloo
wh [[strikethrough]] had been [[/strikethrough]] ^[[were]] the uneaten part of a feast made of young seal by a Polar Bear.
We had made but 2 miles before Sharkey & Koo-jes-se [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] wanted to stop & seal. As I consented, they each took seal dog & wandered away amongst the broken ice around the numerous islets that were [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] about.
Koo-jes-se captured one in 1/2 hour. As I started on ahead, met Sharkey returning with one. Our larder decidedly improving - I must also give Tu-nuk-der-lien who had made his way onto  [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] the land with tin cup in hand to seek for water. I was parched with thirst - she approached & gave me a drink My pencil book reads; Tu-nuk-de-lien coming off land with cup of water - Good - now for a draught - I assist her coming.
At 4 P.M. took PM obs. & made Sun bearings.
The island Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a wh. is [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] in the middle of Bay of Frobisher now begins to loom up - We are now about abreast of it. Kin-gaite has been banked in clouds all day. While I were engaged making obs this PM S. & K. improved the time in sealing. My pencil book reads: 'the sealers out sealing - provision is required by the six of wh. my company is composed'. Not only do we require provisioning but the dogs are greatly in need. They are getting hungry. The coast from Ming-u-toon to this place [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] has no bay proper, simply the usual indentations of are ordinary coast without bays. However there is a bay by wh I have ^[[this]] (6th) Enc. The distance across the entrance one mile - its depth 

Transcription Notes:
See page 511 & following for Beauty Bay April 14, 15 etc. I have noted that Hall generally capitalizes animal specie names (Polar Bear, Seal, etc.).