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away in the distance - of Kin-gaite mountains seen over the high land on west side of Bay in the midst of wh. I was standing was really grand. Here I took PM observations & made a sun bearing & connected with it several points of land. Then followed our descent refreshing ourselves on the way by cold inestimable cold water.
I will here write an incident that occured soon after making meridional obs. Making rapid speed toward the head of the small inlet wh. wished to explore, the leader, "Nep-en-koo" broke loose, his draught line having parted. He bounded ahead encircling around till he was headed for home (to wit 5th Enc)
Soon as Nep-en-koo broke loose, my dog team jumped off the sled for the object of [[?]]evering him; but a few moments elapsed before a long distance separated him from all dogs & sledge. Here I was alone upon the sledge, the dogs running [[underlined]] bounding [[/underlined]] ^[[forward]] with rail road speed, following their leader.
The sun upon the ice was very uneven consequently I was alarmed about my chronometer. To [[strikethrough]] ope [[/strikethrough]] stop or check the dogs was impossible. It was like speaking to the winds [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] in my crying out the [[?]]end Innuit words for stopping them. The sled leaped from snow wreath[[guess]] to snow wreaths[[guess]] occasionaly giving a "bounce" that was enough to throw both the living & inanimate load of the sledge "into the middle of next week". At last I thought of a remedy - I tried it & it worked well. I seized the draught lines & pulled them in till ^[[some of]] the dogs became part of the load others to keep clear of the runners di[[?]]ged to either side. Thus I put a stop to the wild speed at wh. I was being taken along - & ^[[thus]] saved my chr from damage. "Nep-en-Koo" had also ceased his pace
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for he had found a seal - hole around wh. was fresh blood - he was feasting on it. By the evidence around that seal - hole a Polar Bear had been along a short time before, caught a seal & feasted on it.
Having soon recovered Nep-en-koo & had him where he belonged when I renewed my dead reckoning account on getting onto proper course. My return was through W. channel toward Toony wine & thence N W toward Ming-n-[[?]] near wh is head [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] quarters. As we came within 2 miles of Igloo, the mother dog of Sharkey's was all afire to be with her twin pups. Her [[underlined]] super [[/underlined]] - exertions caused the other dogs to put forth extreme effort - the consequence was a speed of at least [[underlined]] 15 miles per hour [[/underlined]] for the distance was [[?]] 2 N. Sharkey & Koo-jes-se were out to welcome me back it being hVIII - s17 PM when I arrived home.
I have this pleasant record to make, Henry has been all I could wish of him to - day - hes kept his temper & performed all service requested of him to my entire satisfaction. This promises well. May it so continue.
How excellent was the eating the hot supper that was in readiness on getting back to - night. Tu-nuk-de-lirn on [[?]] side of the house had over the fire  - light a pan of cooked walrus meat & soup for the whole [[?]] on her side had the same kind for Johnny. Koo-jes-se with his spy saw 2 sledges out in the Bay of Frobisher making for ^[[our]] islands 
^[[ [ in that direction.]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] The guys that the ship's blacksmith ^[[ (Stenny) ]] on his Kok-en-[[?]] - & "Spikes" were with the Innuits with had the sledges. Strong & Sharkey are probably on their return to the ship. Koo-jes-se saw a seal cub on the ice to-day.