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glad also that he was [[strikethrough]] no [[/strikethrough]] my attendant on the trip just made. He replied in the affirmative - readily & without qualification. Now I was aware that he would make just the response he did when out of trouble & in sufficiency of edibles stored away within. When out on this trip Henry was often dwelling upon the dreadful luck that attended it - & now he says it seems as if good luck followed me through it all. So it is with those who have strong hearts when in Sun shine - & no heat at all in storms It is difficult to tell who is reliable till ^[[a time of]] adversity - a trial of severity is experienced.  The truth has a blast[[guess]] is shallow rooted - the time[[guess]] that is often breasting[[guess]] [[strikethrough]] against [[/strikethrough]] storm as well as sun shine sends down corresponding shoots on fingers to hold it up. My purpose in the experiment tried to night was to show that some men are not [[strikethrough]] as[[guess]] [[/strikethrough]] in time of a pinch what they seem to be in thrift.
Tuntodelien[[guess]] & grannie[[guess]] prepared 3 ^[[hot]] suppers one succeeding another, on my return to-night. The last one I eat after returning & having a sweet dream.
Sharkey caught one Young Seal Yesterday I ought to say this much - Henry with all his faults of wh.I have written has done some Work well. The driving of dogs is laborious work. He is hoarse with his constant shouting, calling, coaxing, & c wh. is always required driving Innuit dogs.
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The gale occasionally ^[[took up &]] swept sledge & Walrus for fathoms lee-ward on crossing to Igloo to night!
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5th Enc.
Same as 3d
14th Day out
Monday Apr 14, 1862
AM  +6[[degree symbol]] N.W. Fresh Fair
M +10 N W Strong " [[ditto for: Fair]]
PM 0 N W " [[ditto for: Strong]] [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
To-day I have kept within Igloo writing  Sharkey & Koo-jes-se started out with their Seal dogs this Morning on a Young Seal hunt. At 3 PM they returned.  Koo-jes-se hooked one young seal but as he says owing to his hook being too small "the seal got away."  Sharkey brought in a fine large fat one wh. he caught. This I believe makes the 8th young seal caught by my two sealers & hunters since starting out - 4 by K & 4 by S. Koo-jes-se saw fresh Polar Bear tracks in his route to-day To-night I had a talk with him whom I have with me as an attendant. Told him if he wished to go back to the ship as he had declared he would during my last trip out he could do so - furthermore told him if he wished to continue with me he must cease "growling" especially when a vigorous & manly effort was required to conquer difficulties.
He frankly acknowledged that he regretted that he had expressed himself as he had at various times during the trip of 12th & 13th that he did not mean to be understood that really ment what he had said. Henry promises to comply with my wishes if I will allow him to return. Of course it would be ingenuous for me to give him opportunity