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Similar ^[[thoughts &]] expressions Henry had & is constantly having. Then he has little patience gets out of harmony with the dogs & himself, pouring forth ^[[lava like]] streams of hot words that are enough to make one's hair stand on end. I plainly & frankly told him to-day that he was not of that stamina I ^[[took]] him to be when I selected him to accompany me as my attendant on this sledge journey along up the Bay of Frobisher. I told him that he never would answer to be of any Company coming here N. where sledge travelling was expected to be performed - often times of 10 times the hardships & deprivations of what we had experienced on this trip of yesterday & to-day. unless he could show greater courage & a persevering spirit. Left no cheering words unspoken that I could think of to keep his spirit up & his bad words down. When all goes smoothly & he is [[strikethrough]] well [[/strikethrough]] supplied with all he can eat, drink, chew & smoke there Henry is a good dog driver as any white man need be - to say more would be testing my veracity. I turn to my trip to the [[underlined]] terra firma [[/underlined]] heading the Bay now explored & of my return during one of the severest gales of the season.
At 10 - 30 by chro (say approximately 5-30 AM) started for the Head of Bay after having [[underlined]] unsnowed [[/underlined]] the sledge of its roof covering & gotten the few things I had with me upon it the dogs though in a half started condition made lively speed. They took it that they were bound for home The evening before where I ascended to the Look out to take a view of the Bay was three miles up the Bay therefore I had to pass over same ground [[underlined]] (ice) [[/underlined]] 4 times
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Arrived in few minutes after leaving to ^[[(going & returning)]] the same seal hole we passed last night where from all appearances a Polar Bear had pounced upon a Seal & made a feast of it. The sledging the remainder of the way except a mile from extreme land was excellent, the dogs making 4 1/2 miles per hour.  When within 3 miles of the head I concluded from the appearance of the ice that I should find there was a river making into the head. There were many small pieces of ice covered with ^[[shingle]] (gravel stones) as if they had been washed to the surface of the main ice by an over flow. In one hour that is at 6 - 30 AM reached shoal ice indicating a nearing to Head of Bay. As the dogs ^[[needed]] engineering amongst this I get off sledge & went ahead. Winding this & that way I found passage for dogs & sledge to the very extent of the Bay. At 7 - 00 o'clock h 0 - m 00 - s 00 by Chro was standing on the [[underlined]] terra firma [[/underlined]] that bid sea water.  [[strikethrough]] came[[guess]] [[/strikethrough]] Come thou here but no further! I walked across the land lying between mountains ^[[(wh run along parallel with the sides of the Bay)]] that formed the head of Bay. I saw there was no river as I expected to find. Beyond the head of Bay a broken narrow plain walled by a line of mountains on either side. As I stood upon the land all was thick around so that distant objects were closed from view. Before 1/2 hour had expired after starting from last night, Enc 2 the heavens were in gloomy clouds - before 7 it was snowing hard but no wind. All around ^[[near]] the head of Bay from the shoal ice wh. I [[strikethrough]] was [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] met with one mile before finding extreme extent to the place where I made land covered over with pillars of dirty looking ice Looked like pillow of Soiled Salt - like an unwashed Lot's

Transcription Notes:
Note: end page not required of second page, removed Odd reference to Lot's Wife ("pillars of dirty looking ice... like pillars of soiled salt...."