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it immediately broke for home. This was a serious perplexing loss as we had but 5 left. The dog wh. gave us such a slip was in the best condition (being constantly well fed up) of any in the lot. There was no ground to hope to recover it for the same had pups at my 3d encampment & their devotion to them drew her swiftly away sure as relieved from harness. As in all their dubious circumstances into wh man may find himself, I done done as man ought always to do resolved to make the best of it.
This much said, I retire to my snow couch - having dog King-ok for my feet warmer & dog Me-lock for pillow [[?]] a 3d dog hes arched to my back 
Henry is quite in correspondence with the dogs on his side of the house. Now within a few minutes of XII midnight. Hark! - A singular noise meets the ear - perhaps it is a Polar Bear! We listen - again the same alarming noise - another sound - we determine its sound - It is the snoring of one of the dogs! Good night all the sleeping world. Heaven bless all those who need it - none needeth ^[[it more]] than me
[[signature]] C F Hall [[/signature]]
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5th Enc.
Same as
3d Enc
on the ice
In Igloo
13th day out
[[image - cross]] April 13th 1862
AM +21[[degree symbol]] Fair Calm [[sun symbol]] At h 5 - m 30
M. + 6[[degree symbol]] Gale from N.W. - began at IX A.M.
P.M. 0[[degree symbol]] [[underlined]] Severe [[/underlined]] Gale since X AM Air clouded with flying snow
At h V - m 00 AM I woke from my snow bed [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] - bunted my head against snow door - made my way over its [[?]]s on all 4's, lifted myself erect like a man & took a look of the heavens wh. reflected back ind^[[i]]cations of a beautiful day dawning. I cried out to snoring "Smith" who brushed away sleep from his eyes & qu^[[i]]ckly followed out of our friendly lair. I made up my mind on finding the weather fair to make a trip up to the very head of the Bay - to leave nothing uncertain about appearances. I told Henry of my purpose & ordered the dogs to be harnessed quick as possible. As yesterday, he showed a great want of that kind of spirit, courage, & aptness[[guess]] of looking on the [[underlined]] bright side]] of picture[[?]] as well as the dark, for ^[[our]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] reliable [[/strikethrough]] Arctic traveller's reliable attendant. Nearly all day yesterday he was full of his bugbear[[guess]] expressions - thought that it would be death to us - [[underlined]] to him, [[/underlined]] I suppose in particular - if we did not get back before night - thought the travelling to hard for any one - the team of dogs too small - outrageous to think of starting out without a better leader for the dogs - would not catch him on such a journey of hardships again - would return to the ship ^[[when]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] we got back - No use to undertake to go to the head of the Bay - the Innuits said it was Wej-sa-too-ad-la[[guess]] which means a great ways! These & very many