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continue with "old mother Petatto" (Pe-tato-too) when she communicated to me the facts as handed down by traditionary history among the Innuits relating to Frobisher's exhibition into the Bay of Frobisher in 1576-7 & 8
Here the Bay explored to day narrows to less than 1/3 of the width from the Island described to this point.
I'm continuing my trip thence on, I was delighted to find seals out on the ice & also in finding many seal-holes, showing that on any sunny day the Bay would be dotted over with seals basking. Seals on the ice & seal holes seemed to excite the dogs. Their poor, weary limbs, their hungry stomachs became [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] invigorated to such a degree by a hopeful feast that their speed at times was full six knots for hours. Nothing like seals to cause rapid progress in sledge travelling. After once sighting a seal or [[underlined]] scenting [[/underlined]] it they can be coaxed to a fast gait for hours [[strikethrough]] after [[/strikethrough]] following, by an occasional cry of "ook-gook! Ook-gook! Ook-gook!' My Greenlander, 'Me-nak' was the leader & the most excitable one of the team on account of ^[[the]] seals seen & scented. He was [[underlined]] all fire [[/underlined]] during the day. Now & then he would scent a seal & strike in that direction [[strikethrough]] o[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] infusing into the rest of the dogs like spirit by his actions ^[[thus]] causing a deviation from my course & leaving the dog driver powerless in ^[[this]] contest [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] over them. Fox marks were very many [[strikethrough]] all [[/strikethrough]] that I met with indicating that this species of animal also abounded here. I found several apparent heads to this bay during my passage up here. At each turn [[strikethrough]] of [[?it]] [[/strikethrough]] could see what certainly[[guess]] appeared to be the true extent of it - but on making the point found a turn was another head! On making that, another turn - another head wh. proved to be [[underlined]] the termination [[/underlined]] so far as a view with an
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excellent spy from a commanding height could aid me in determining this S[[?]]ning. Before nearing the last turn, I had made up my my ^[[mind]] that that must be the ultimation of my journey this day - ^[[but]] if it ^[[should]] prove to be the head of the Bay my work would be accomplished, if not, if the Bay should from thence take a turn & continue on I must turn about return to 3d end. & - [[underlined]] come again. [[/underlined]] I regretted I did not add some [[?fine, or ?firm]] essentials for making an encampment up here that we might continue on up the determination of the Bay even if took a week to do it. The [[?sequel]] will show that without this preparation I have made an encampment wh. [[strikethrough]] ^[[even]] [[/strikethrough]] warmly & fully protects ^[[me, Henry & even the dogs from]] the severe snow storm now prevailing over & around us. Without ^[[even]] the [[strikethrough]] ^ [[/strikethrough]] small convenience of a snow knife I with the assistance of Henry have erected a sledge & snow house [[?]] (Here comes the capsizing of my Ink-stand by my careless attendant - wh. contains the only fluid for writing that I have with me but happily before it is all out the stand is made "right side up". This makes an 3d inccident ^[[since leaving Oo-[[?pung]] [[ne?]] [[wing]] all resulting from sheer heedless^[[n]]ess of Henry. At 2d Enc. ^[[he]] broke my hatchet in two pieces, the fracture being just below the "eye"; the 2d accident by meddling with my Artificial Horizon & spilling out a [[underlined]] good part of [[/underlined]] the Mercury; the 3d the one just [[strikethrough]] l [[/strikethrough]] referred to of the Ink.) 
I must give record to the close of this day : Here may be something of interest in it. On making the point I had almost promised myself to turn back I found the extent of the Bay not there - that ^[[it]] continued on several miles farther - It was then late but I felt if I could make about two miles further I could determine fully whether what now appeared to be the head was so or not. The dogs were urged forward but they had become very tired for the travelling for the last 5 miles very [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] bad for them the snow giving away under their feet