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2d Enc.
10th day out
Thursday Apr 10th 1862
AM + 19[[degree symbol]] Calm Cloudy
M + 30[[degree symbol]] E. Light " [[ditto for: Cloudy]]
PM + 4 E " " [[dittos for: Light Cloudy]]
Ook-sin from Oo-pung-ne-wing arrived at VII - 30 A.M. At the time he arrived I was seated in bed at work [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] charting - all the rest sound asleep - not up. The sealed door had not been opened - Ook-sin stooped down & with glinting eye peered through a crevice meeting my responding winks to come in. He threw back the snow door & received my welcomings. He came after Kook-big a little dog of his that followed Sharkey up yesterday. I did think or determine to start for Toony-wine this morning but wishing to make a sledge trip across the Bay by wh. we are encamped to examine an Inlet there & having other work to do I delay till to-morrow  Koo-jes-se & Sharkey have gone out with seal dogs after young seals.
Between ^[[3 &]] 4 Henry at my request harness up the dogs & took me out to an Island to make obs for time & solar bearings. When we returned found the top to the case of chronometer gone Henry re-harnessed the dogs & returned the same track. - He found it at the place where I ^[[made]] my way over the shore ice.
Sharkey succeeded in bringing in one young seal to-night. Jumped into 5 seal igloos but the young seals too quick for him - down they went out of reach.
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"Bill" (Isabel) (Tunukdelien) saw three rabbits & a flock of partridges to-day. She often takes the seal-dog & seal-hook & goes out after young seals. Not only this, but she sometimes takes a gun & goes out hunting. She is an ambitious woman.
Koo-jesse, her wing-a - (husband), returned without getting any young seals. He saw many seal-igloos that the polar bears had scented out, broken in & [[strikethrough]] probably [[/strikethrough]] probably secured the [[underlined]] lucious[[guess]] [[/underlined]] inhabitants.
To-morrow hoping to start for 3d igloo encampment. say at Toony-wine or Ming-u-toon, the former on the south ^[[E]] side of [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] the entrance ^[[to]] [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] the Bay I intend next to explore - the latter on up N.W. side of the entrance. 
I do regret of have not good instruments - good Sextant, good Chronometer & Azimuth Compass. I have now an excellent Artificial Horizon - With a good Sextant I could take reliable Lunars also.
11th day out
3d Encamp.
Friday, April 11th 1862
AM Zero N.W. Light [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
M +26 NW " " [[dittos for: Light [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] ]]
PM - 5[[degree symbol]] NW " " [[dittos for: Light [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] ]]
Kin-gaite showed out finely all day as we came up from Que-jine. Started from place 2d encampment at half past VIII - [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] o'clock this morn the sledge was not in readiness before IX. - I started out with the 5 lb chronometer belted to my ^[[left]] side - my Artificial Horizon & Pocket Sextant hanging ^[[by]] [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] my Aten[[guess]] - telescope strung to my neck - in my hands compass - tripod & compass. My purpose in proceeding my company was to get out-side the Islands wh. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] cove[[guess]] numerous about this place where was my encamp. [[?]] at Que-jine to get full sight up the coast below & above, as well as having good

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