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2d Encampment
8th Day out
Tuesday, Apr. 8th 1862
AM +2[[degree symbol]] E Light Thick weather
M +8  E Fresh breeze " " [[dittos for: for Thick, weather]] but [[symbol]] faintly ^[[out for few moments]]
PM +8 NE " " [[dittos for: Fresh breeze]] Cloudy halo around [[symbol]]
It was just 12 (Midnight) when I ceased my daily labor & retired. This Morning as Koo-jes-se's going out he found my "Greenlanders" [[underlined]] gone [[/underlined]]! On calling - (making [[underlined]] Innui dog-Calls [[/underlined]] for them) there was no such response as their appearance if they were about. The conclusion at once arrived at was that the 4 dogs have returned to Oo-pung-ne-wing - perhaps have continued on to the Ship. This is perplexing.  Now only 4 dogs left. Koo-jes-se says if the dogs do not return to-day, he will take the remaining (4) dogs & [[strikethrough]] proceed to [[/strikethrough]] return to Oo-pung-ne-wing for them.
The dogs were here till late last night. Had we supposed they would have performed this day dogish trick we would have "hobbled" them.
Soon after Kar-nei-ung ^[[& Koo-jes-se]] were up they each took a seal dog & went out after young seals.  It is possible if my dogs get back to Oo-pung-ne-wing Mate Lamb will start off an Innuit from there with team of dogs for the object to bring my dogs to me.  I wrote Lamb where I intended to stop & make 2d Enc. - telling him also that I should stop over to-day ^[[at this place]]. He well know I cannot proceede without them  The above written before noon. Now h X - m 00 PM.
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Koo-jes-se ^[[& Sharkey]] came in 2 PM, the former with a young seal of larger size yet with its white wool coat. Sharkey met with his usual [[underlined]] this your luck [[/underlined]] - hooked 5 young seals & lost all. After lunching on raw frozen Walrus they both sent out again but returned at night without getting any more.
To-night our supper of a portion of the young seal caught by Koo-jes-se. I now eat more tender meat.  So to write it, Ooksook & meat almost melted in my mouth. What more shall I say of our supper. The best of it is to be told - We have been regaled with the eating of Tar-ni-ook[[guess]] (milk)! Every young seal has in its stomach when caught a pint to a quart of its mother's milk. The Innuits consider this a luxury either raw or boiled - [[underlined]] so do I [[/underlined]]. I partook of this milk, called by the natives "Ee-toong" to-night eating it 1st raw & afterwards liberally of some boiled. It has to me very much of the Coconut taste. It is white as Cow's milk  As the dogs (my Greenlanders) have deserted us, I am prevented from proceeding on my journey till I get them again. I send "Sharkey" back to Oo-pung-ne-wing for them to-morrow. He will take the 4 dogs here & go after the 4 dogs there. Happily there is no occasion for me to be idle. I have work enough for three smart scientific men & could keep them busily employed for the next 3 months. To-day I have been employed in charting, working up obs. writing - & eating raw, frozen Walrus & [[strikethrough]] uncooked [[/strikethrough]] cooked seal. At Meridian took the [[symbol]] with Pocket Sex. "Henry" is bringing my artificial horizon lost out nearly half of the Mercury. He thought he was assisting me that[[guess]] much by bringing it. As tho blessed, I have an extra lot of quick silver with me to replace what "Henry" lost.  
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Sharkey says things [[?]] no Took-too on the ice mountains of Kin-gaite
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Transcription Notes:
[[Edited: per instructions, replaced symbols with text, added text denoted by ditto marks, added spaces between underlined and strikethrough, validated guessed wording (some), removed end of page from second page not required, and other format changes "mother's milk" see page 506 of Hall's book. "Artificial Horizon" navigation device for establishing a horizon where you cannot see the horizon, consisting of a leveling mirror sometimes consisting a small pan of mercury, which is self lelveling.