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On completing the Igloo & getting into it enjoying its beauty & cheerfulness, I suspended from the pure white dome the [[page break]] beautiful symbol of my country - the American Flag - the silk Flag made & given to me by my beloved one.
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"Henry" had but a moment before said that by unsealing the Igloo he could go out & get some salt water ice near the shore, close by. But Sharkey's plan was the superior one for not only did it obviate going out of the "house" but gave me salt water instead of ice wh. was a saving in our ook-sook (oil) fuel! I asked the Innuits how it was the salt water was above the Seko (ice). They explained that the great depth of snow on the ice pressed it down.
Ice being formed on & discharged from Kin-gaite! A mystery solved! [[strikethrough]] assisted by Koo-jes-se who [[/strikethrough]] To-night by the assistance of Koo-jes-se (who can with considerable [[underlined]] American [[/underlined]] I have had a talk with Kar-nei-ung ("Sharkey") who was born on the N. side Hudson Strait. In answer to my question if [[strikethrough]] ice [[/strikethrough]] ^[[se ko]] amasuadlo[[guess]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] (Ice in large quantities) were on the mountains of Kin-gaite (the mountains S.W. side Bay of Frobisher) Kar-nei-ung side Yes & that there are mountains of ice for many miles on that coast that large Ice-bergs fall down every year into the Sea. This accounts for the thunderings ^[[coming from over there wh.]] I heard last year on my voyage up Bay of Frobisher. Kar-nei-ung says that he has been on the stone mountains of ice - that they are very high. Says there are no deep Bays making up from the Tu-nuk-jok-ping-oo-sy-ong (Bay of Frobisher) on Kin-gaite side. Relative to glacier on Kin-gaite side I made that discovery one year since. As to the cause of the "thunderstorms" heard while at at Oo-pung-ne-wing encampment (3d Enc. of voyage Head of Bay of Frobisher) last [[strikethrough]] summen [[/strikethrough]] summer [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] & at [[strikethrough]] frequent [[/strikethrough]] frequent
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times going up I think I made a record of what I thought it to be - to wit, Ice bergs being discharged from said mountains of Kin-gaite side. To-night I have the verification of my imaginings relating thoughts by one who knows all about it.
It seems to fall to my luck - good or bad - (I don't know wh.) to have a puppy, [[underlined]] or puppies [[/underlined]] among my accompaniants whenever I make a trip up Bay of Frobisher. Last summer Koo-per-ne-ung (Charley) traded for one ('Nitch-uk' by name) at Tong-wine & took it along with [[strikethrough]] him [[/strikethrough]] as all the way to Head of the Bay & back to the ship. It is now a good, though young sledge dog. This trip finds two puppies belonging to Kar-nei-ung among the live stock. Their mother is an excellent sledge dog, one of the 8 of my team. They are bagged in the legs of a pair of Took-too fur Kod-line (breeches) & ride on the sledge when travelling. Every time we make a stop the pups are taken out of their warm quarters & placed at the teats of the working mother. Even as we arrived at 2d encampment Kar-nei-ung made a little igloo for mother & progeny. The Innuits take as much care of their young dogs & the do of their children. Some Innuits take more.
A ring or halo around the Moon to-night - appearances indicate bad weather. Kin-gaite Mts been hid from view all day. Such has been the case nearly all the time I have been at Oo-pung-ne-wing.
As we are about abreast of the upper end of the Island of Oo-pung-ne-wing this Morning met two teams dogs with sledges loaded with the Walrus meat secured yesterday. Koo-jes-se took off the leader & went about sealing & Henry [[strikethrough]] over[[guess]] [/strikethrough]] got the sledge over ^[[snow ridges]]

Transcription Notes:
Vertical note in left margin begins on previous page of journal. Edited: per instructions, replaced symbols with text, added text denoted by ditto marks, added spaces between underlined and strikethrough, validated guessed wording (some), removed end of page from second page not required, and other format changes Puppies on page 505 of Hall's book.