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our supper to-night was of richest kind- pemican & Borden Meat Biscuit Soup. The who Works most - eat with appetites of [[strikethrough]] Smith [[/strikethrough]] "Henry" & myself reminded strongly of this on our return this eve. Tunukdelien made [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] us a pan full of hot soup of the above mentioned food. Mate Lamb was in & I invited him to participate with me. In eating his supper with Lamb & Henry I was strongly of the wish that the time would soon come when I should be associated with these two parties in sharing feasts of this kind on King Williams's Land & Boothia Felix while pursuing the research there relative to Sir John Franklin's Expedition  Lamb & Henry are the experienced ones that I desire to have with me in that [[strikethrough]] rens [[/strikethrough]] research. They know the trials - the deprivations to wh. one is liable in living here North therefore they have nothing to learn of what is expected on them on such a Voyage as I am determined to ^[[make]] God Willing on my return to the States. They understand well the management of the natives They (like myself) like the Company & the Innuits - are both anxious to be of my Company I desire & design to form for visiting that portion of the North indicated above, after we were through our suppers, I invited Tu-nuk-de-lien, also the son of Old Ar-tark-pa-ru & his wife ^[[living in Koo-jes-se's Igloo]] to eat the remainder of the soup wh. they did with thankful hearts.
At h 10 - m 15 to-night the announcement that Walrus hunting party that went out this morning was close by. A few moments after heard the cry of the dogs wh. indicated the same fact. Just before starting out on my survey of the PM seeing Old An-tark-pr-ru sighted with a spy in the direction the Walrus hunting party had gone.
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I asked him if he saw the Innuits. He answered 'An-me-larng' (yes) I hastened in & got my spy & spent 15 minutes looking at them - watching their movements.  They were about 4 miles out walking in Indian & Innuit file making their way on drifting, broken ice, in the pursuit of Walrus. Soon after on of the Innuits have said they had Sal-ly-kood (killed) one   At once the dogs were harnessed up & sent out on the land floe to the edge of it to await there till the Innuits should get their Walrus in the solid floe & cut it up. From the late hour [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] the Innuits were out & the day time it was quite certain they had secured a Walrus.  [[strikethrough]] suceeded [[/strikethrough]] 
Succeeding the cry of the [[strikethrough]] dgs [[/strikethrough]] dogs as referred to above Koo-jes-se came into his Igloo dragging after him a huge "Cut" of Walrus. The news he communicated was Cheering. He had struck & secured one Walrus & [[strikethrough]] An-na-wa[[guess]] An-noo[[guess]] [[/strikethrough]] An-na-wa another!
Five Walrus had been struck during the day, but two secured. Ook-sin had struck one but his iron drawed.  Kook-smit struck one but his "gig" breaking he lost his Walrus. But little of the Walrus was brought in.  To-morrow morning the Innuits take the dogs & go out for a load. Of course the walrus requires several transits of the floe by the sledge before all can be brought in. The dogs & sledge wh. they have now to use belong to my expedition. All the other dogs with the other sledge are off to the Ship after the Whale Boat. I cannot start early to-morrow as a hungry people are here awaiting the bringing in of the Walrus & I must let them have my dogs & sledge to bring it in. Innuits have heretofore said that An-na-wa would soon die because of his bad luck in securing walrus & young seals this year. I wonder what they will think now? The Walrus he secured to day a very large one - Koo-jes-se not of the largest size, 3 years old. Koo-jes-se says Cod-fish plenty on Kin-gaite side.

Transcription Notes:
"By roughly 1849, Borden was experimenting with the creation of a dehydrated beef product known as the "meat biscuit", which was loosely based upon a traditional Native American food known as pemmican." Walrus hunt results on page 500 of Hall's book.