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1st Enc.
4th Day out
Friday Apr 4th 1862
AM +10[[degree symbol]] N.E. Gale abating - snow
M +15[[degree symbol]] N. E. Light thick & cloudy
PM [[strikethrough]] + [[/strikethrough]] -10[[degree symbol]] Fresh Fine
Through the night the gale continued - At 11 ^[[AM forward]] it began to cease in its fury. At IX AM I took a walk on the ice directing my steps toward the small bight N.E. where we left the Boat 1/4 mile from the Igloo's - found that the wind had taken it up & carried it some 20 fathoms from the place where we left it without capsizing or doing any injury to any part of the Boat. The Gale had placed it along side of some hummocky ice wh. prevented the Boat going any farther - on returning met Mate Lamb going out to see his boat. I told him of what had been done to his boat & returned to the same again. While he remained with the Boat I came down to the Igloo's raised a force of Seamen to go up & assist him ^[[(L)]] in [[strikethrough]] wer [[/strikethrough]] removing to a safer position.
As the Innuits were unwilling to start out with Robt. Smith to-day on account of uncertainty of the weather he does not start for Ship to-day. I cannot start up the Bay to-day on account of bad weather. The thick clouds hanging down all around lifted for a few moments this morning sufficient to show that all the new ice & pack out on the Bay had been driven away leaving miles of clear water - it showed also that much of the old floe had been broken off & driven away.
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XII M. some of the Innuits reported seeing Walrus on the edge of the floe - by h 2 - m 30 PM in company of Innuits with dogs & sledge proceeded out on a Walrus hunt. Young Wm Smith, a member of my party, came in this Morning saying that An-na-wa with whom he is stopping is all out of provisions that yesterday he made his eating in raw walrus skin. I asked Koo-jes-se if he would give Smith some Walrus as I wished to keep him well fed up for I had hard work for him yet to do? Koo-jes-se drew out of his well filled meat house a piece of Walrus meat & Walrus skin wh. together will keep Smiths two days ^[[on]] smart eating. An-na-wa's husband has had [[strikethrough]] luck [[strikethrough]] luck of late  A few days since ^[[he]] struck a Walrus & lost it since he went out sealing, made fast with a hook to 6 young seals but all [[strikethrough]] gon [[/strikethrough]] got loose ^[[& escaped]] except one.
Last eve Ar-tuk-pa-nu sent me a dish of cooked seal - young seal meat - fine eating. Koo-jes-se & his noo-loo-an-a keep me well fed on raw & cooked Walrus & Seal. I am living wholly on Innuit fare - Have not broached my provisions since leaving the Ship.
The Innuits who left for the Walrus hunt returned at h V - m 30 PM. Lamb was with them taking his Whale Boat on the sledge. They proceeded out on the Land floe about 2 miles when they launched this Boat but had not proceeded far ^[[1/2 mile in the sledge]] when the wind whipped around from the N.W. blowing a gale again accompanied by thick snow. While out saw two Walrus - but the storm obliged them to make a quick return. Saw many Walrus ^[[one mile off on ice]]. At VII the heavens became bright & cloudy - shall probably have a good day to morrow to continue on my trip.

Transcription Notes:
Edited: per instructions, replaced symbols with text, added inserts as appropriate, corrected typos, added spaces between underlined and strikethrough, validated guessed wording (some), removed end of page from second page not required, and other format changes