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2d day 1st Enc.
Wednesday April 2d 1862
AM +5[[degree symbol]] NW Fresh Cloudy Sun out dimly
M +22[[degree symbol]] NW high Fair
PM +4[[degree symbol]] NW Fresh " [[ditto for: Fair]]  Ring around [[sun symbol]] this P.M.
I have kept within Igloo nearly all day hard at work. - have received calls of all the men belonging to the "George Henry". In working up my log came to an obstacle wh. seemed to be insurmountable. Instead of working by "Inspection" I use Logarithms. I presumed in my endeavor to overcome the obstacle & finally at the end of six hours perseverance unravelled the mysterious Case. Although I have worked nearly all the propositions of Bonedilch[[guess]] yet I have not before met with such a sum as was necessary for me to work out. [[underlined]] "Perseverance will Conquer"[[/underlined]]. Long will I remember that my greatest mathematical achieve ^[[ment]] was [[strikethrough]] la[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] to under stand [[symbol]]
This morning made obs. for Time. (See log-book) At noon took Meridian Alt. Sun (See Log book) Robt. Smith on learning from me the anxiety of Capt B in getting the remainder (3) of the Whale boats over before any change ^[[in the weather]] for the voyage can take place, decided to proceede to-morrow with team of dogs & big sledge accompanied by 3 or 4 Innuits to get his boat. Several of the men here,  stopping with the Innuits, are determined to return to the vessel taking along with them their bedding wh. act I know will dissatisfy[[guess]] Capt. B. as it is but a short time more before all will have to return here for Whaling. I advised these men not to take anything over with them if they returned to the Ship because Capt B would have to provide
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means of bringing them back & that was a difficult matter as dogs had become scarce supply the larger numbers of the Innuit had gone up this Bay. I had conversation ^[[to-day]] with Mate Lamb about his being of my Company (provided I was successful in carrying out my purpose in nursing[[guess]] the men on my return to the States) wh. I was anxious to form to make a Voyage to King William Land. I told him my work was to have Capt B. as Master of the Vessel & having his first officer - Lamb as one I have watched with careful eye. He is imbued with the spirit for such a voyage. He has a peculiar tact in getting along smoothly with the Innuits - Likes to live among them.
Is qualified to conduct sledge journeys - & to navigate ships. He was in Command of the Rescue the tender of G.H. when we sailed from New London - took him to Greenland & thence to this side Davis Strait - If he even be a member of my expedition to King Williams Land - feels that my object should not be given up till all matters pertaining to Sir John Franklin's Expedition be sifted & satisfactorily determined - Thinks that my expedition of taking 4 or 5 Innuits the smartest & best with their wives from this place a very essential one.
To-night wrote a brief note to Capt. B. to be taken to him by Robt. Smith Tu-nuk-de-lien cooked men a supper of young seal. Tender & firm [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] eating a Spring Chicken. The Innuits playing skip rope in loafer's Valley this eve. Koo-ou-le-arng ("big Su") who accompanied me up Bay of Frobisher left full is here - was very glad to meet me. Shevikkoo Allokeen & "gina[[guess]] Cr[[?]],"]] the Innuits who ^[[are to]] accompany Robt. Smith to get his boat had made calculations to go out young Sealing - but on learning Capt B's wishes responded promptly by giving up their dogs & offering to assist him.

Transcription Notes:
Edited: per instructions, replaced symbols with text, added inserts as appropriate, added omitted text, added text denoted by ditto marks, added spaces between underlined and strikethrough, validated guessed wording (some), removed end of page from second page not required, and other format changes