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to her expressed purpose last eve. I turned back to meet her. I met her cautiously working her way along & among the broken hummocky ice near the Island shore quite exhausted with the exertions she had been making to catch up with me. Even as she could speak she said: 'I wanted to see you (me) before you left to bid you good bye'. I thanked her for her guilty feelings & told her I was sorry she had worked so hard to come up with me. I asked her where her babe was? She rolled back her hood & there nestled at her back was the sweetly sleeping Guk-en-lik en Ta.  Taking ^[[Tuk-un-li-ta]] [[strikethrough]] him [[/strikethrough]] by the hand, I told her that she must be good [[underlined]] always [[/underlined]] - that in a few months she & her wing-a (Ebierbing) would start & go Home to America with me. I thanked her for her kindness in assisting me saying ^[[to her that]] Capt. B. will look out for you while I am gone seeing that you (T.) are not hungry. As Bailey & Wm had accompanied us thus far to assist in getting the boat over the rough shore ice, I told Tuk-oo-li-too to return with them, bidding her a final Adieu I then with speedy steps regained the distance of the delay of the incident related above. I advanced ahead pursuing the beaten sledge road made by the oft transits of the bay by the Innuits up Oo-ping-ne-wing visiting the Ship & by the men of the "George Henry" on slipping ^[[off]] either side this road down one goes to the knees in the snow but in the traveled most excellent going. In two hours we made the Land on W. side Rescue Bay the distance travelled being 5 Nautical miles - tho direct 4 1/2 miles due W. from Ship. Thence took the
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usual route across the land to Countess of Warwick's Sound - Course direct on striking the land being S. 36°W (true) About 1/2 way across the "Land Pass" came to the Spring where Innuits always stop to quench their thirst - not only Innuits but all of the "George Henry" who passed down this route have done & continue to do the same. Here we made a stop of 1/2 hour. We started on, I taking the lead & pacing as I travelled keeping note of the distance - found the snow had a capital basis for transporting ^[[very]] heavy boats such as on our sledge. At length we came to the abrupt rise facing Rescue Bay. Here the dogs showed their working capacity. Only 3 resting spells did they require in placing the Whale Boat with full 500 lbs contents on the dome of a high hill. The dogs were however assisted by the Innuits & White Men of the company my duty being to advance selecting the best course for the dogs to follow. At a very steep place where [[strikethrough]] we [[?]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] we ^[[would]] think it almost impossible to surmount & where the dogs were about giving in, one of these animals broke loose & bounded ahead. This was followed by the balance of the team making super-dog exertion in making up with their companion wh. resulted in the boat & all contents being top of the Mountain Pass [[underlined]] quickly [[/underlined]] & with but little assistance of ^[[the]] humans [[strikethrough]] did. [[/strikethrough]] A gradual descent of 1/4 of a mile brought us to [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] the dangerous part of the route distinct from the Coast of Rescue Bay 2 Miles. From this point down to route on Frobisher Bay side distance 1 mile - a little less - In this [[strikethrough]] dis[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] distance occurs three very steep descents - 2 of them about an angle of 45[[degree symbol]]. The whole management of getting down those steep Passes was [[strikethrough]] given [[/strikethrough]] given up. To the Innuits they being the people above all others in understanding sledge journies in their country.

Transcription Notes:
Edited: per instructions, replaced symbols with text, added inserts as appropriate, added omitted text, added spaces between underlined and strikethrough, validated guessed wording (some), removed end of page from second page not required, corrected some wording, and other format changes