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Yellow Smoke was what would be called, among the white people, :a pillar of the church".  He never failed to be present at any public service, and every prayer meeting, when it was at all possible for him to do so.

When he was in Washington, someone made him a present of a silk hat.  Yellow Smoke preserved this to the day of his death, and always, when attending church, when the weather was fair, would wear the hat.  He had another silk hat he wore on other occasions...

To see Yellow Smoke walk into the church with his silk hat and blanket on, to one who did not know him, would cause a smile, but if one waited until it came his turn to speak, he would always hear something worth remembering....

Being a thorough Christian, he abandoned all the Indian customs...

He and Big Elk, who is descendant of the old chief Big Elk, were, for years, the leaders of the Indian Presbyterian church on the reservation, and have had the confidence and respect of all the missionaries and ministers who knew them.