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that they, too, 

Have been created heirs of the earth, and claim its division!

Back, then; back to thy woods in the regions west of the Wabash!

There, as a monarch thou reignest.  In autumn the leaves of the maple

Pave the floors of thy palace-hall with gold, and in the summer

Pine trees waft through its chambers the odorous breath of their branches.

There thou art strong and great, a hero, a tamer of horses!

There thou chasest the stately stag on the banks of the Elkhorn,

Or by the roar of the Running water, or where the Omawhaw

Calls thee, and leaps through the wild ravine like a brave of the Blackfeet!

Lo! the big thunder canoe, that steadily breasts the Missouri's 
Merciless current!  And yonder, afar on the prairies, the camp-fires

Gleam through the night; and the cloud of dust in the gray of the daybreak

Marks not the buffalo's track, nor the Mandan's dexterous horse race;

It is a caravan, whitening the desert where dwell the Comanches:

Ha! How the breath of these Saxons and Celts, like the blast of the east wind, 

Drifts evermore to the west the scanty smokes of the wigwams!