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and informed Standing Bear that he wanted to hold a council and print what he said. But Standing Bear would not talk. ...before he held his council with General Crook....The last remembered that several years before he had joined a secret society among the Indians, and concluded to try the signs on the old chief. Standing Bear recognized them in an instant, and the two gave the grip of friendship. A council was called immediately, and the editor and warriors were soon seated in a tepee around the council fire smoking the pipe of peace.

Ta-zha-but (Buffalo Chip) was the first to speak. ..slowly, making graceful but emphatic gestures, as follows:

Ta-Zha-But's Speech

"I sometimes think that the white people forget that we are human, that we love our wives and children, that we require food and clothing. ...But one Father made us all....Am I not a man? I am poor. These clothes are ragged...But I am a man....We agreed that we would learn to plow, we would build houses out of wood, we would learn to do like the white people. ...We kept our word. Now... we are prisoners in this camp, and we have never committed any crime....Does your law do that?...Have you a law for white men, and a different law for those who are not white?"

Ta-zha-but paused and waited for a reply. The editor