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Ma-chu-nah-zha - Standing Bear    Ta-zha-but - Buffalo Chip
Ahan-gu-e-he-zhe - Yellow Horse   
Nu-don-ah-gaz - Cries for War
Wan-chu-dun - Crazy Bear          
wa-the-ha-cuh-she - Long Runner
Ta-the-ga-da - Buffalo Track      
Me-tha-zhin-ga - Little Duck
Min-i-chuck - Walk-in-the-mud     Ka-wig-i-sha - Turtle Grease
Me-gah-sin-de - Coon's tail       Ta-do-mon-e - Walk-in-the-Wind
Wah-thi-ga - Swift                E-tun-kah - Big Mouth
Ma-shud-da-de - Feather Crazy     Ta-wau-oo - Buffalo Cow
OO-moo-ah - Good Provision        Ze-mon-a - Walking Yellow
Laura Primo                       Susette Primo
Ta-nigh-ing-ah - Little Buffalo Woman         
Kre-ah-du-wah - Midst of the Eagles
Me-he-da-wah - Midst of the Sun   Za-zi-zi - Yellow Spotted Buffalo
No-zha-wah - Grown Hair          

Witnesses: T. H. Tibbles, W. L. Carpenter, U.S.A. 4th day April 1879

(The petition bearing the above named signers was mailed April 4, 1879.)


(To the Hon. Elmer S. Dundy, U.S. District Judge, for the District of Nebraska)

"As directed by your writ of habeas corpus, dated April 8, 1879...

"That the cause of the detention of afore named Indians is the request of the Secretary of the Interior, and the orders of my commanding officers, General Sherman