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Standing Bear's Religion - What Army Officers Think Of Him

As much had been said about the Poncas being savages, Standing Bear was asked to state his religious belife. Without a moment's reflection, he spoke as follows:

"There is one God, and He made both Indians and white man....I once thought differently. I believed there were happy hunting grounds, where there were plenty of game, and plenty to eat, no sickness, no death, and no pain. The best of the Indians would go to these happy-hunting grounds. I thought that those who were bad would never live any more; that when they died that was the end of them. But I have learned...that God wishes us to love Him and obey His commandments, follow the narrow road, work for Him on earth, and we shall have happiness after we die. I am told His Son died for us, died that we might live. I want to try to do something for Him, to be like Him, follow in His footsteps as nearly as I can. I think there is but one God...."

He was asked how long he had held these views, and he replied, "Since the Missionary came up from Omaha Agency, about eight years ago, and he told me the right way." "How many of the tribe think the same way on this subject that you do?" "Only a few."....