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the city, and called at the residences of Hon. J. L. Webster, and Hon. A. J. Poppleton, to whose vindication in the courts he owed his enfranchisement, to express his gratitude by word and deed...(Standing Bear said) "Now I have no more use for the tomahawk. I want to lay it down forever...he placed it in Mr. webster's hands....Standing Bear visited Mr. Poppleton's rooms... I have here a relic (said the chief) which has come down to my people through a great many generation... it may be two or three hundred years old. I desire to present it to you for what you have done for me."

Boston Indian Citizenship Committee
(inside back cover)

Hon. F. O. Prince, Pres.    Hon. J. F. C. Hyde
Joshua W. Davis, V. Pres.   Hon Rufus S. Frost
wm. H. Lincoln, Secy.       Rev. C. L. Woodworth, D.D.
H. O. Houghton, Treas.      Gen. J. F. B. Marshall
Rev. Edw. E. Hale           Rev. Geo. M. Boynton
Hon. John D. Long           Louis D. Brandeis
Frank Wood                  Mrs. Stephen H. Bullard
J. S. Lockwood              Mrs. Mary Hemenway
Walter Allen                Mrs. D. A. Goddard
J. Evarts Greene            Mrs. W. W. Goodwin
Prof. James B. Thayer       Mrs. S. T. Hooper