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joy to look back on, and we children were happy all day long. There was such a sense of utter freedom, but to get back to my subject.

When we got to the country where the buffaloes were, all the men of the tribe got together to give chase while the women hurried on to the next camping place to put up the tents and get ready for the men to return with the meat. There were two men of the tribe who violated the hunting laws. They were flogged so severely that one of them died from the effects of it, and the other lost his mind and became paralyzed for life. They had discovered a herd of buffalo and instead of going back to tell the proper authorities so that all men of the tribe might join in chase, they scared the whole herd away just to get a few. A tribe might be starving and their lives might depend on getting a herd.

...A man would kill a buffalo with his bows and arrows and leaving the buffalo where it fell would run along by the herd to kill others. Then after the chase was over he would ride back over the ground to look for the buffalo he had killed. Each man knew his own by his arrows. The women took the meat when it was brought home, excepting what was reserved for immediate use, they sliced it in broad thin slices and hung it up in the air to dry for winter use. The atmosphere on the prairies is so dry and bracing and there is such a constant breeze that it took a very short time for