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the meat to dry. It was taken in at night if there was a dew...

The buffalo skins were tanned in a good many different ways for different uses. They were tanned in such a way with the hair left on they could be used as rugs or robes or wraps and could also be used as moccasins in the winter with the hair inside. Another way was to take the hair off and tan them till they were as soft and pliable as cloth and then they were used for clothing and the finer sorts of moccasins and also for tent cloth. Still another way was to tan them leaving the skin so hard that they could be used for packing cases. These packing cases were usually painted on the outside. I remember once when we came to a stream which was too deep to be waded and there was no time to build canoes, and they took these packing cases and put two or three of us children in each and towed us across. It used to be a fine sight to see hundreds of horses swimming a river. The sinew was used as thread and the bone for the handles of tools and implements.

Hunting was a business with the Indians. Besides the buffalo they hunted deer, elk, antelope and wild turkeys. ...I believe the white people think that the Indian men look down on their wives and make them do all the hard work. It is not true. The men had to provide all the meat for the family including ...the clothing, take care of the horses and be on alert for the enemy. The women put up the tent,