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youth, will become a burden upon your poor rates, which means that you gentlemen who are here, will have to feed them. That is what your theories will lead to, Mr. Argyle, if put into practice in England."

The radicals and there seemed to be more than half of them radicals, were wild with delight and broke out in cries of "Hear! Hear!" ...

The Duke leaned across the table and shook hands with me saying "It is a good thing to hear a man speak out what he believes, no matter how much one may differ from him."

Another dinner party was given by Lady Ellen and there were a large number of titled persons present. At the time "home rule for Ireland", was the all absorbing topic all over the kingdom. One of the gentlemen, someone complained, tried to monopolize Bright Eyes. He was a fierce conservative. For quite a while he was impressing upon her the disasters that would follow the re-election of a hime rule parliament and the continuing power of Mr. Gladstone. He gave her a fearful picture of the degredation and crime of the Irish people. He described them as the most depraved people on earth. Then she replied: "I think that you tell the truth about the horrible conditions in Ireland, but Ireland has been governed by England since Cromwell conquered it in 1650, and whatever the conditions are there, England is responsible for and not Ireland."