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Thursday, Oct. 8/96
Day colder. fair. Leave tickets at Mrs. Fox's & trousers at Eckerts. Go to S.I. work over arrearages  & mail. Home evening read.

Friday, Oct. 9th
Morning fine cool. Go to S.I. work over mail & arrears. See Mr. True about Sterki. Write Verrill. P.M. Go to hear Greely lecture. Dr Brown & Miss Castle call

Saturday. Oct. 10
Morning cloudy. Go to bank & office see Becker, then to S.I. work over arrears and mail. Home, have rather a sore throat, stay at home & read.

Sunday. Oct. 11
Read. Go to Dr. Richardson & get throat treated. Evening. Miss Castle takes tea with us.

Monday, Oct. 12
Morning raw, chilly. Go to jewellers and S.I. work on mail & arrears. Evening go to Cosmos Club.

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Friday, Feb. 8/95
Morning quite a blizzard. Work over Hering's paper. Go to S.I. work on routine matters. Cooper's shells &c. Home evening read.

Saturday, Feb. 9
Morning cold, windy & snowy. Go to Dr Richardson and then to S.I. work over Miss Shepard's shells and finish them. Home, evening my ear grumbling. I stay at home

Sunday, Feb. 10
Morning fair. milder. The Whipples lunch with us. Go to Dr. Richardson's in P.M. evening read.

Monday Feb. 11
Morning fair, windy, cold. Go to Bank, Treasury & S.I. attend to mail and work on Landshells. Home evening go down to club & get the Bonds for mother.