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house. Whitney goes to train  
Nettie & Lucinda arrive with the children

Sunday, Oct. 4/96
Spend day at church and at getting books in order.

Monday, Oct. 5th
Get haircut & have a tooth pulled then go to office and see Baker lunch with Major Powell & the boys then to S.I work over mail. See Rhees, Mason &c. Evening go to Cosmos Club. Find Hubrecht and others there.

Tuesday, Oct. 6th
Morning fair. Go to S.I. work over arrears of mail &c. [[strikethrough]]Have[[/strikethrough]] See Prof. Langley. Home, evening read Miss Castle calls.

Wednesday Oct. 7
Morning cooler. Go to S.I. write letters & work over arrears. Evening read at home.
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Tuesday Feb. 12/95
Morning dull, later snows. Go to Dr. Richardson then to S.I. work on mail & Cooper's shells. Home, evening have a touch of grip or something like it

Wednesday, Feb. 13
Morning windy fair. Go to Mertz, Libr. & S.I. work on routine matters. Cooper's shells &c. Home evening work on proofs. 

Thursday Feb. 14
Morning fair. Go to Dr. Richardson's & then down to S.I. work on routine & proofs. Home, evening read proofs.

Friday. Feb. 15
Morning fine. Go to Moses and then to S.I. see Earll, work on proofs & Helix Levettie. Home, evening Rob & Esther arrive. Mother not so well.

Saturday, Feb. 16
Morning dull, raw. Go to [[insertion]] Dr Richardsons to [[/insertion]] bank, & S.I. work on helices. Home, evening go to