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call on Harrison, go to Gen. McCook's for lunch. Later buy suit and walk down Broadway and then over to Brooklyn. Big storm south of us.

Wednesday Sept. 30/96
Morning take 8.30 train for Philadelphia. Go to Academy & see Nolan go out & get lunch, back & see Pilstry & then to train for Washington. arrive at 8.30. House all right.

Thursday. Oct. 1st.
Morning go to office and treasury & bank, attend to mail & sundries Home and work on getting the house ready for Nettie

Friday, Oct. 2nd
Morning, go to S.I. work over mail, write letters, attend to arrears  Home, evening work with Whitney over getting house in order. Merriam calls.

Saturday Oct. 3rd
Spend morning at work in
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meeting of Philosophical society. In the council the new powers for the joint commission were agreed to, 12 to 8, which is an important step forward in the progress of the society.

Sunday, Feb. 17/95
Morning. Go over & see mother who is quite ill with grippe. P.M. at home, reading. evening Dr Adler calls.

Monday, Feb. 18th
Morning, fair, warmer. Go to S.I. work over mail routine &c. & Mearns shells. Home, evening read go up to Marcus Baker's for Nettie.

Tuesday, Feb. 19
Morning fair. Go to Dr. Richardson's, and see Mr. Whipple then to S.I. work on Mearns shells. Go to Cosmos Club to meeting of the committee on Joint Commission. Then home, evening read.

Wednesday Feb. 20
Morning fair. Go over to see

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