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Thursday, Sept. 10/96
Rains hard. Finish proofs. Take a walk in a dry interval. Evening read.

Friday Sept 11th
Morning clears up. Send back last Museum proofs. Nettie goes out sailing. P.M. pack for trip to Annisquam.

Saturday Sept. 12
Go to Boston and take train for Gloucester. Arrive at the Hyatts about noon walk with Hyatt.

Sunday Sept. 13
Heavy NE storm, spend the day in the house.

Monday, Sept. 14
Morning return to Boston. Go to Fall River office & Howard Watch Co. then to Dr Blakes, out, then to Parkers with N to lunch & back to the Drs where we see Dr. Burnett. Then to station & find late train is taken off. Take train for New Bedford. Supper at Parker House and then drive over to [[Mattapoisett?]].

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office, then to Beveridge's & Boston house & S.I. work on  Mearn's Report. Home, evening read. [[insertion]] Dr. Mearns calls [[/insertion]]

Friday, Mar. 1/95
Morning warm. Sadie gets ready to leave us. Go to gas office and pay bills, then to S.I. Capt Bendire calls. Work over mail & Mearns. Go over to the depot to see Sadie off but miss her. Home, evening read.

Saturday, Mar 2
Morning rainy. Go to S.I. and work on Mearns report. Home, evening Philosophical Soc. meeting Room very cold and I have to retire from it.

Sunday, Mar. 3
Morning fair. Go over & see mother P.M. read, our 15th anniversary today. Evening read.

Monday, Mar. 4
Morning cloudy, Go over to