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Sunday, Aug. 30/96
Morning fine. Pack bag for trip. P.M. call on the Schmidts and Rathbun.

Monday, Aug. 31st
Morning, go to druggists, later to Dakin's, dyers, carpenters, office Treasury, bank, railroad office and S.I. Write letters and get ready to go away. Home, evening pack up.

Tuesday. Sept. 1
Morning get cab and attend to errands Go to S.I. look at letters then to station take train for Baltimore, get luggage down to dock, walk about, get lunch. Take the Essex which sails for Boston by 6. P.M.

Wednesday. Sept 2
Morning at Norfolk. Go over to Virginia Beach for the day, back again in P.M. and sail for Boston. Fine warm weather.

Thursday Sept 3
Day fine, with little sea Heavy rain & thunderstorm in evening.

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Mearn's Report. Home, evening read.

Friday, Mar. 8/95
Morning, go to Dr. Richardson's and later down to S.i. work over mail Mearn's Report &c. Home, evening read, night very cold & windy.

Saturday, Mar. 9
Morning windy fair. Go to S.I. work over routine matters mail & Mearns' Report. [[insertion]] Home [[/insertion]] Evening go to meeting of Biological society.

Sunday Mar. 10
Morning, fair, warmer. Go over & see mother and do some errands for her. home, p.m. go up & see the Merriams and Bakers. Evening read; eclipse of moon

Monday, Mar. 11
Morning showery. Go to S.I. write letters, work on routine matters, and on Mearns' Report. Home, evening snows. Read at home