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Friday, Aug. 21/96
Morning go to Backe's & Fitzpatricks Boston Store &c. & to S.I. work over fossils. Evening see Fitzpatrick and read at home.

Saturday Aug 22
Morning, go to S.I., see Mason & Benjamin, write letters & work over fossils, Home, evening read.

Sunday, Aug. 23
Day warm & very sultry, Read at home, afternoon call on Rathbun evening read.

Monday. Aug, 24
Day cloudy with rain, cooler. Go to bank and get ticket to Boston, then to Survey office and Henderson's, then to S.I. work over proofs of Galapagos paper. Home evening go to Club & read.

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Saturday Mar. 16/95

Morning fair, cool. Go to bank Treasury. Sokalon. Geol. Survey, up to the Shoreham to see Becker then to S.I. work on routine matters and Mearns. Home, evening go to Phil. Soc. meeting.

Sunday, Mar. 17
Morning, go over to mother's with Nettie P.M. call at the Stanley-Browns & see the Kennans. Evening read.

Monday, Mar. 18
Morning go to Dr. Richardson's and to Givens. Pay bill & go to S.I. work over mail & proofs. Home, evening Nettie has the Whist club at the house

Tuesday, Mar. 19
Morning, go over to office & see Becker and get tickets, then to S.I. attend to mail and work over Mearns' Report Home, evening read.

Wednesday. Mar. 20
Morning. Go to S.I. work over mail