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of town. Then to S.I. Harris calls, work over mail & fossils. Home, evening read.

Sunday, Aug 16/96
Day warm. In afternoon call on Rathbun, evening on the Pillings

Monday Aug. 17
Morning fair, cooler. Go to S.I. work over mail & fossils. Home Harris calls. Evening call on Baker

Tuesday, Aug 18
Morning cool, fine. Go to S.I. write letters work on fossils. Evening. Go down to club & read. 

Wednesday. Aug. 19
Morning, fine, cool. Go to furniture stores, select bookcase, get watch & shoes then to S.I. work on fossils. Home evening, go to Club & read.

Thursday, Aug 20
Morning cool. Go to S.I. write letters, work on fossils. Home evening read at Club.

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proofs and Mearns' Report. Home evening, Go with Nettie to Geographic Soc. reception at the Arlington

Thursday, Mar. 21
Morning fine. Go to Survey and see Walcott about trip to Alaska. Then to S.I. work on reports & mail. Home, evening feel quite tired and retire early.

Friday, Mar. 22
Morning fine. Go to Bureau of Education and find Jackson away, then to S.I. meet Prof. Nutting, work over mail & Mearns Report. Ear out of sorts again. Evening at home Mrs. Kennan dines with us and I see her home.

Saturday Mar. 23
Morning fine. Go to Dr. Richardson's & later to S.I. Work on proofs & Strophias Home, evening, go to the Literary Society at the Kaufman's with the Stanley Browns.