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Tuesday. Aug. 11/96
Morning warm with breeze. Go to Kan's about watch then to S.I. work over fossils. Home, evening read.

Wednesday, Aug. 12
Morning still hot. Go to S.I. work over mail and getting new case into shape and over fossils. Begin to feel a good deal of lassitude & some difficulty of digestion from the long continued heat. Home, evening read.

Thursday. Aug. 13
Morning go to Huylers & thence to S.I. work over fossils. Still pretty hot. Home evening rains hard and we have a comfortable night.

Friday Aug. 14
Morning fresh but warm, day continues warm. Work over mail & fossils. Home, evening read.

Saturday Aug 15
Morning warm. Go to Bromwell's & find him gone out

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Sunday, Mar. 24/95
Morning rainy. Go over to mothers [[strikethrough]] evening [[/strikethrough]] P.M. read. The Brown & Miss Castle call in evening. Mrs. Kennan comes over.

Monday, Mar. 25
Morning go to find Sheldon Jackson who is out. Do some errands then to S.I. attend to mail. Work over Alaska map and nomenclature. Klotz calls. Evening, go down to the Cosmos Club to see his photographs.

Tuesday. Mar. 26
Morning call on Sheldon Jackson see Pilling on business then to S.I. work over mail and Alaska report. Home, evening go with Mrs. K. & N. to call on the Kauffmans & Stanley Browns.

Wednesday Mar. 27
Morning. see Dr. Richardson Go to office. see Becker & Walcott, then